Chapter Thirty Three

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Angelica's Pov
The air was so dry and humid here and  could even feel it clinging to me in my sleep. I was getting way too damn old for all this excitement in my life. A running joke between all of us.  A harsh snore left from my lips, before a harsh jolt from the air had me waking up abruptly, with a loud and a yawn following out I shot my hand out to grab at my face. This close it was to dashing hitting hard on the dashboard.

"Damn Rachet you could have at least honked that wouldn't have gave me a headache." I shook with laughter sliding my hand up to rub the sleep from my eyes. I could hear a loud and clear shout coming from outside the window blasting through the hot air. A small smile grew on my face poking my head out of the window once it was rolled down, excitement running through me hearing his deep voice.

It feel like it had been too long since hearing Optimus anymore. A loud yelp of laughter left me shaking at Rachet's door quick like jumping up and down on my seat.

"That's Optimus! Oh my gosh Rachet I see more of my children. I'm gonna die!" I shouted through my laughter, twisting to hear him speaking through his com link towards me.

"I'm glad to see you so excited." The exhaustion was only there for a little till we were pulling up along side some dusty rock like cliffs. I had slipped out of the green truck with a grunt landing on the ground, holding my hands behind my back.  A small yelp of laughter left me, being scooped up quickly into the palm of a shaking yellow and black Autobots snuggling up as he hugged me towards his faceplate.

"There's my Bee hey there big guy." I rushed hearing his excited chirps keeping me close to him. I panned my eyes around relief flooded through me seeing so many of them weren't dead or hurt. I was passed from Bee straight to Ironhide, hugging back at his face. Facing Jazz who waved at me with a chuckle. I was set down facing the others that soon had joined through. Crosshairs, Hound, Drift, Sideswipe. It was enough for my heart to be at ease like a concerned person watching as Optimus had transformed suddenly a few other humans climbing out from his truck.

His form looked way different than what my mind could remember. His mask and body armor was more bulky and bright. I rapidly blinked a few times, before watching the way he kneels down on his knees, optics looking straight at me not a single word was spoke as he held his hand out for me speaking in his heavy voice.

"Come here sweet spark." I grinned quickly rushing forward, I climbed a little too excited like in his own being pressed close to his chest plate, a warmth went through me knowing he was okay.

"Oh thank God you are okay.. Lockdown has been tracking everyone and I've been worried." Optimus gave me gently little hums and shushs as he kept me closer to him, moving his large finger to rub down my spine.

"I'm much alive don't you worry, I just thank you for keeping so many of my Autobots safe Angelica. Because of you they have survived so long. Even through we are on the run I promise to give you some cuddles you deserve that." I shook with laughter peeking back up at him, his large metal finger trailed down my face studying me slowly.

"Human age.. You still look like the day I met you." I couldn't help the laughter that left from me.

"Are you calling me old? I know I am." I exclaimed through my laughter small bickering that emerge from both me and Optimus like nothing around us mattered.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Ah it's just mom and dad arguing they always do this for a good ten minutes when meeting one another after a while. They should shut up in three, two, one." Hound counted off  suddenly causing me to grow quiet, Optimus moved me closer allowing for me to be set down standing near his foot.

"Angelica these here humans saved my life I am in their debt. This is Cade Yeager, and his daughter Tessa and her companion Shane." I looked between them. A graceful look went through my eyes leaning against Optnius's large leg.

"I appreciate you saving the big guys life,he maybe the leader but he can be so clumsy." The tall robot rolled his eyes playfully down at me. Before the male Cade was exclaiming at me in shock stepping forward a bit.

"Hey I know you! You use to work for the government, you are like super important on the wanted list you've known about the aliens for a while." A nervous laugh left from my lips, brushing the dirt off my hands.

"Wait how come you are wanted!" The girl ask fearful like gazing at me. I held my hands up in a surrender motion shaking with laughter.

"Woah woah, okay I need you all to chill okay, I'm on the good side I've always been, I'm on there side. I am spark connected with Optimus and always have been for years. Yes we are together I'm with a giant alien robot, he has a hologram that looks and feels human I see the look." I shot Shane a look laughing in disbelief shaking my head a couple times.

"I met the Autobots when I was teen. My friend Sam found Bumblebee and it's a long story. To make it short the government switched sides about a year ago, determining that Autobots or Decepticons it doesn't matter they both are wrong after the battle in Chicago. Our allies went into hiding being hunted and killed. I wasn't gonna turn my back on the only other family I had so here we are now." I took a look between all of the Autobots. It looked like they've been through too much shit.

"And that there is why she is my favorite human." Crosshairs shook with laughter smiling down at me.

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