Chapter Sixteen

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Angelica's Pov
The pain has not faded at all since Bee had made me get in the car. The burning through my arm had kept going and the burn mark on my stomach had too. I was curled up on the passenger seat trying to hide my whimpers and sounds of pain. "Little lady it will be okay alright." Bee reassured me.

I nodded weakly a couple times in place, keeping my head leaned back into the pure cold of the leather seats. "I hope I'll be okay Bee." I whimpered out the marks haven't stopped pulsing and the blue jolts of electric hasn't stopped either. It was almost like the most amount of fire you could ever imagine coursing through you all at once.

Bee slowly stopped and I lifted my head up looking out the window. "Optimus is waiting for you here, I have to go get Sam but Optimus is worried." Bee static out a few times switching between the lines.

I slowly nodded its been months since I last saw Optimus. I missed him the thoughts alone had my heart racing a million miles per hour.

Bee unlocked the door for me with one motion swing, while keeping the hold on my stomach, I stepped out looking around at the huge statutes amazed like hopping out on one foot before the other landed solid on the ground.

I started walking a bit my eyes shifting to look at everything focused on the details. I started to climb up on one statues and I let a small startled gasp out looking up at Optimus the sight of him alone had me almost shying away in shyness. Still the biggest Autobots I've seen, its been so long.

"Optimus." I strained out wanting to feel sad but I shouldn't, Optimus blue optics looked to me slowly. I saw his whole expression changed it shifted with the way his head tilted towards me.

"Angelica young one," He called the soothing rumble of his voice had me in a small like state of bliss. I quickly moved towards his foot and Optimus quickly lowered his hand out for me to climb on moved.

I held onto Optimus's hand deeply and Optimus lifted me up.

"Optimus its been so long." I whimpered out, shaking my head a couple times to full out the pain.

"I know Angelica but I am here now your guardian hasn't left you." Optimus told me. I slowly held his faceplate deeply, cradling the cold metal into my palms to the full max. I felt safe with Optimus, it always radiated off him, bringing you any kind of peace you can imagine. Its been way too long inside my head, maybe it was my love for Optimus.

I shut my eyes deeply as soon as I saw Optimus, almost shying away as well from the sight of him, the pain was fading yet the energy wasn't leaving.

"I love you Optimus." I strained out slowly feeling my heart beating super hard against my ribcage Optimus had placed me on his shoulder close by his face, slightly keeping a large finger out just in case my frame doubled over.

Optimus looked slightly towards me, his optics blinking a couple times in place with a little confused expression taking over him. "Love? isn't that an emotion many humans feel?" Optimus questioned to me I nodded a couple times.

"Love is rare though a love where you feel safe Optimus." I whispered, "in the long two years of knowing you I could feel it growing." Optimus hummed lightly.

"Angelica I fear there's nothing wrong with that, because deep in my spark I feel the same and it's been a while since I have felt this not since my spark mate had died," Optimus told me deeply.

"I love you as well., Optimus told me and I let a small happy noise out and Optimus let a small chuckle out.

"There's no denying it I'm not letting you out of my sights anymore I've been away for just a few months and you already look so different," Optimus told me blinking his huge optics at me.

I blinked letting his face go and slowly I pulled my sleeves up for me to look at my arm the pain was still there but faded.

"Optimus why is the burn on my stomach glowing?" I asked. Optimus once again grabbed me and placed me in his palm making me face him so I could show him.

"That's impossible that's a low engergon reading from your scar but how?" Optimus asked maybe he thought I had the answer m I blinked softly letting my fingers touch the edge of it.

"This was when I pushed the cube into Megatron remember." I breathed out Optimus firmly nodded his head, some smooth hums still leaving him, looking in deep thought.

"Angelica I want you to try something? And it won't be dangerous. I've noticed that engergon has been flowing through you since Bumblebee brought you to me. I want you to try and make it flow out and I'm gonna put you near my spark," Optimus explained.

It didn't seem like it would be way too bad, yet the other rational side of my mind was like, what if I die? "Okay Optimus but what if I hurt you?" I questioned worried like.

"You won't sweet spark trust me. I know that you trust me" Optimus me. I nodded, finding myself muttering a little. "Trusting you with my life." Deeply trying to focus hard to let all the energy, the pain flow through my arm that was still hurting and had the foreign markings all down across it.

I gasped as an electric blue light was flowing on my palm still leaving me flabbergasted. I stared towards at Optimus, who nodded a couple times, he then pulled me towards his spark inching me closer. I pressed my hand towards it, almost jerking my hand back in the process. Another gasp at the feeling of something quite a lot of things flashing through my mind all at once.

I shut my eyes hard so many things were flashing through my mind, it was hard to just focus on one thing at a time. I noticed that they were Optimus's memories all of them. I could see Cybertron, I could see so many things that were important to the leader, to Optimus. I was pulled away from it all leaving my eyes wide.

Optimus cuddled me to his chest chamber a small bit, keeping his large palm open for me. "What was that?" I asked curiously the blue fading away from my now shaking hand.

"Our Spark connection. you to my spark and me to your heart you saw my memories and I saw yours," Optimus explained. I watched the blue from my hands faded. Wow that was intense I thought, I felt different in a almost natural way. I felt connected to Optimus in a deeper way than ever spark connection.

As Time Rises {Transformers Bayverse}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें