Chapter Twenty Four

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Angelica's Pov
I nibbled at my lower lip very slowly, pure exhaustion was washed over my face. I knew all I needed was a good night rest, but lately that didn't come easily. I was trying my best to reassure Optimus as much as I could.

When you got Optimus pissed, you got him pissed. Seemed like the military and government were hiding more things then anyone would have liked to have seen. I sat in the autobot hanger sitting on the hood of Optmius's truck rubbing my hand smoothly across the top.

He was practically steaming with anger. "Yeah he must be pissed if even Angelica can't do much." I rolled my eyes slowly, but scanned my brown eyes to watch Lenox walk in with a lady who looked honestly like a bitch.

"These autobots are like teenagers they like to sneak out of the house every once in a while. " I snorted quietly, taking a glance at Bumblebee who hid his head quite quickly. Even Ironhide, Qui, Rachet, Sideswipe they didn't seemed all that phased with what they have been doing sneaking out without permission. Bumblebee truly only listened when I scolded him.

"Optimus it's gonna be okay." I whispered kissing my palm I pressed it on his hood watching Lenox and the woman make their way over towards where me and Optimus were in the middle of this large exposed room.

"Who's the chick, just casually sitting on a alien." She commented glancing at Lenox.

"This is Angelica she has worked with us the military for quite a few years now, I trust her with my life, she actually is spark connected with Optimus prime right here, you can't take her out of the room, unless you wanna make Optimus more pissed." He explained gesturing to me with a smile.

I returned the smile still rubbing Optimus's hood. Her expression was one of shock and kinda disgust as well but I didn't let it get to me. Everyone always looked that way, they either got over it, or let it bug them.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." I called turning my head away not really bothering to know her name she was really ignorant. "Optimus you remember Director Charlotte, Mering." Yet again Optimus was dead silent and Lenox looked to me for clarification.

All I could give him was a confused stare and a shrug. "He's in a bad mood, he's not talking to anybody." Mirage the red autbot grumbled out waving his hand off.

Charlotte looked even more pissed off "What is this? The silent treatment." She joked in a hard tone.

"We've seen that, and this is not that, this is worse, Prime! Make something of yourself." Ironhide gruffed out he nodded his head at me for a warning, and I braced myself watching Ironhide lightly hit Optimus both his fist on the hood. I felt Optimus transforming.

"He's pissed." before he quickly caught me in mid air placing me on his shoulder, I quickly held on his shoulder plates,before he slammed fists in the ground glaring at everyone all around him " You lied to us. "

The stressful day came to an end and I finally was able to relax after all that information and everything. My night routine on the base consisted of me visiting Ratchet in the med bay getting quick checkups and talking with him, hanging out with Bumblebee and all of them in the hanger helping upgrade their weapons and stuff.

Sometimes I was able to give them energon when they were low on it right from my palms. It was kinda cool. But tonight would be my last night of peace before Optimus and Ratchet went off to do another mission.

I entered Optimus sleeping corridors after my shower messing with my hair after doing my long hair care routine squeaking loudly, but relaxed when I felt the familiar arms around my waist.

"Hey sweetspark I'm sorry that we don't get to relax that much, but at least tonight we can have some more cuddling sessions." A soft chuckle left me before I gently held Optimus's hologram arms gently leaning into the swaying of his arms and listening to the low hum of his spark.

"Optimus you are the leader, and I never can't get upset when you have to go off. I'm okay with just spending a little bit time, just be safe." I whispered feeling his head rest in the crook of my neck, my hands still gliding up and down his arms slowly.

"I'll be safe sweet spark, let's lay down." A loud squeak left me when he picked me up with ease walking me over to the normal human size bed he had in here just for times when I was in here.

I was still giggling a mess hiding in his chest when he laid me down in bed with him holding me closer to him. I started to tease him about the way he acted today he did have a right to be mad about them hiding evidence about them knowing about autobots before hand.

That's truly why him and Rachet are going to the moon, and in return he just chuckled messing with my hair, his blue optics watching my every move. We talked to one another with ease. And that's how I liked it after a stress day here in the base.

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