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sevtlana: {in her earpiece} "loki plans to {acacia walked dow some stairs away from loki's cage} unleash the hulk, keep banner in the lab send thor and natasha as well, i am on my way"

she stops and turns to loki

sevtlana: "thank you for your cooperation"

she left, loki stands there in shock, meanwhile in the lab fury enters

fury: "what are you doing Mr. Stark and why do you have a bandaid on your head?"

tony; "uh-kinda been wondering the same about you and as for the bandaid blame the red head with anger managment issues"

fury: {ammused and almost smiling} "i'm surprised that she didn't punch you sooner {sevtlana enters} how much self-control did it take not to punch him sooner?"

sevtlana: "a lot normally not much but hey my other half isn't here so yeah"

fury then turned to tony and bruce

fury: "your supposed to be locating the tesseract"

banner: "we are the models locked on and were sweeping for the siginture now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile"

tony: "and you'll get your cube back, no fuss no muss. What is phase 2"

steve enters with a hydra weapon and slams it onto the table

steve: "phase two is SHIELD use the tesseract to make weapons"

sevtlana; "sorry computer was moving a little slow for us"

fury: "rogers, agent black you already know this, rogers you don't we gathered everything related to the tesseract this does not mean"

tony: "i'm sorry nick {tony turns the screen, he hacked into the files} were you lying?"

steve; "i was wrong director the world hasn't changed at all"

banner; "you knew about this"

sevtlana: "well {thor enters as does natasha} yeah, you might want to think about removing your self from this enviroment doctor"

banner laughed

banner: " i was in Calcutta i was pretty well removed"

natasha: "loki is manipulating you"

banner: "and you've been doing what exactly?"

sevtlana: "well you didn't come because i bat my eyelashes at you"

banner and sevtlana both looked embarressed at there little argument, clint and betty laughed, betty and clint knew nothing was going on between sevtlana and bruce and when they tried to explain they just laughed them off, the other avengers knew what they meant everyone else was confused

banner: "exactly and i am not leaving because you suddenly get all twichy, i'd like to know why shield is using the tessract to make weapons of mass destruction"

fury: {poniting at thor} "because of him"

thor looked stunned

thor: {pointing to himself} "me?"

fury: "last year earth had a vistor from another planet who had a grudge match that levelled a small town. We learned that were are not alone and are hopelessly and hillariously out gunned"

thor: "my people want nothing but piece with your planet"

steve and tony looked at each other and then the others rather confused as to why everyone was pissed off, steve was pissed but not as bad as the others

Svetlana Romanoff Hp x MCU (Update after Hp x Avengers, Lantana Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now