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on the bridge fury is at his command station and an

agent: "all hands to your stations immediantly"

meanwhile the helicarrier was falling iron man is pushing the blades to kick start the engine the blades begin to move faster and faster until he can't keep up

tony: "cap hit the lever" the captain is hanging by a power cord

steve: "i need a minute here"

tony: "cap lever now"

tony is up against one blade, he can't escape,

tony: "uh-oh"

he is dragged underneath a rotor cap hauls himself up and pulls the lever and is able to pull the lever and tony escapes and shoots a gunman behind steve. coulson is still in the lab he then leaves meanwhile a jet takes off with loki in it and he smiles,

coulson; "sir the god rabbited"

 fury nodded

maria: "we still need something to make them fight together not each other"

meanwhile banner woke up in a warehouse when a guard spoke, he was surronded by rubble

guard: "you fell out of the sky"

banner: "did i hurt anyone?"

guard: "there was nobody here to hurt, scared the hell out of some pigons though"

banner: "lucky"

the guard chucked him some clothes which he began to pull on

guard: "or just good aim you were awake when you fell"

banner: "you saw?"

guard: "the whole thing, right through the celing green and buck ass nude, i didn't think those clothes would fit you till you shrunk down to a normal sized fella"

banner: "thanks"

guard: "are you an alien?"

banner: "what?"

gard: "from outter space, an alien?"

banner: "no"

guard: "well son you've got a condition"

in the medbay in the helicarrier, clint is strapped to a medbay bed, shaking his head and pulling the restraints all while sevtlana is sitting there

sevtlana: "Clint your gonna be alright"

clint: "you know that? is that what you know?, i gotta flush him out"

sevtlana: "you gotta level out that is gonna take some time"

clint: "you don't understand have you ever had some take your brain and play, pull something out and shove something else in, do you know what it is like to be unmade?"

sevtlana poured some water and natasha entered the room

natasha: "you know that we do"

clint: "why am i back how did you get him out?"

sevtlana: "cognintive recolbaration, i hit you really hard on the head"

clint: "thanks"

sevtlana begins to remove the retraints

clint: "svet, how many agents did?"

svetlana: "don't, don't do this to yourself clint, this is loki, monsters and magic nothing we have ever trained for"

Svetlana Romanoff Hp x MCU (Update after Hp x Avengers, Lantana Romanoff)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ