chapter 47 or 48

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If I'm not careful I might think the remaining chapters of this book away.

It's funny, but you'll be a little bit more disturbed than amused if you know how many times I've written this chapter in my head. Or how many versions or revisions have existed... without meeting paper.

It was supposed to be about life's similarity with pages, but then I started thinking about the temporary nature of sentiments, then characters... And even now I'm almost forgetting what I finally decided to write about.

... well, in no particular order.

I've come to realise, from observation and experience, a few things. If this was a game then I'll be the kind of side character that becomes a part of people's lives for a seemingly permanent while, then involuntarily vanishes. It hurts...and it's funny how I unconsciously build bridges around these inconveniences to reduce the sting.

It's like loving summer but having sensitive skin, and because of that you become an indoor person and it somehow just becomes a part of you... Albeit a painfully artificial part, because there are days that you'll feel the bite of this loss across your being, days when you wish change wasn't such a fragile thing.

Ah, yes. It's funny how quickly these things I write become relatable, again. It's so unexpected. So... exhausting.

"Your tomorrow is an illusion until it isn't."


A kind and thoughtful human moment made someone's day somewhere in the world today. And I'm really glad that because of that thoughtfulness a gamer somewhere has gained 20k streamers in less than 48 hours.

Tomorrow might be an illusion, but for her, today holds substantial potential.

Characters' lane,
distorted heaven.
This is chapter 47.


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant