14. Grape Candies

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The morning came sooner than I expected. My body was still enjoying the comforts of my warm bed and snugly pillow when the alarm clock blared through the room. Who the heck saved an alarm when it was my vacation? A groan left my mouth, frustrated by the loud noise piercing the air, and scrambled up to find the damn clock in a haze. The ringing stopped as I slammed my hand on it. With a content sigh, I snuggled back into the bed, and prepared to go back to sleep.

Occasionally, the sounds of feet shuffling marred my sleep induced bliss. What is the commotion about?

The question formed first. I investigated the mystery in my head, conjuring up different scenarios that could explain the occasional grunts and groans. It couldn't be that... I giggled, covering my face with the blanket, having very naughty thoughts about what those noises could mean.

The noises continued. This time I gave it a serious thought. What are the boys doing? As if struck with electricity, I threw the blankets away from me, and opened my eyes.


Today was the competition day. I flew out of my bed like some reincarnation of Kungfu panda and made a disgraceful landing on the floor. Wincing in pain, and rubbing my knees, I checked the time. Don't be late. Please.

On time. Relieved to see that I had enough time for a quick shower and some dressing up, I headed straight to the bathroom. Like my kitchen space, my toiletries resonated with the food theme. So, without regret, I picked up the vanilla scented shampoo and lathed it onto my head. The sweet scent uncoiled the tiny bit of stress the alarm clock had given me. Though my stomach still fluttered with that tingly feeling which made me all giddy.

God, it was their competition and here I was getting nervous.

A white maxi dress hung on the dresser, and I looked at with a smile. I didn't own many fancy clothes, there wasn't much occasion to wear them, so I made a note to thank my mother for lending it to me. The reflection in the mirror was satisfying.

I was halfway through drying my hair when I heard a knock on the door. The sound of my hairdryer was so loud that whatever the other person had been saying drowned out in the noise. I shut it off with a wince.

"What?" I asked.

"Ty? Are you in there?" Another knock followed on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I turned on the dryer again and gave a last blast of hot air to my hair. This would have to do. The door opened slightly, and Brandon poked his head inside.

"Do you have some extra towels? Oh." He blushed, the ends of his ears tinging pink, and cleared his throat, looking away.

With a quick glance around that confirmed that nothing was amiss--like my undergarments on full display--I asked, "What?"

"Y-Your strap." He pointed to the tiny bra strap peeking out from under my dress and I rolled my eyes.

This was seriously making me doubt his personality.

"Umm.. thanks?" I said, not understanding the big deal about it. Was this really the reason or was he making this up? Or wait, he's not embarrassed about standing in the bathroom with me, is he? Is he thinking about the last time? I shook my head. That was one incident I wanted to forget. Feeling peeved by his excessive staring, I blurted out, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." He coughed and stuttered with his words. "You just look real pretty. Oh, I have to go, bye!"

Brandon rushed out of the small space. His shoulder grazed the door a little too hard but he didn't pause for a second. I heard my room's door close behind me and fluttered my eyelids to make sense of the situation. The words registered in my head after a minute. I swallowed, and had difficulty in closing my mouth. That was a compliment, right? The insides of my stomach squeezed together and I couldn't help but notice the grin I was sporting in my reflection.

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