46. Brigadeiro

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"I'm not going anywhere, papa," Bella spoke, unfazed by her father's intrusion. On the other hand, the corner of Alard's mouth twitched, his scowl deepening into straight out displeasure.

"Qu'est-ce que tu as dit?" he growled, making Bella repeat herself.

The men cloaking him from the public view remained still. Only a flicker of emotion passed through them, that too when Alard let out a frustrated grunt. His disapproval was etched into the lines of his face, his chest pumping up and down in a much faster pace than anyone else. He narrowed his eyes, glaring at no one in particular, and turned on his heel.

Around Bella, the men beckoned her forward, towards Alard. I tried to step in, but Bella shot me a look, and then repeated in a louder voice, "I won't go with you."

The rhythmic click of Alard's shoes stopped. He turned. His face was impassive, masking his earlier dent in expression with cutthroat business and emotionlessness. "If not by will, then by force. You're coming with me."

The cold words sent a shiver down my spine. I wasn't seeing a father and daughter in front of me. Theirs' wasn't this kind of relationship. What I saw was a man and a woman, standing, as an individual, disconnected, emotionless, and with no pity. None understood the other one. It was selfish. No middle ground and no sympathy. A fight for power. Cold, absolute and relentless.

When did they start putting a price tag to relationships?

It was disheartening to say the least.

Bella skidded to a halt as her father's men made her follow him. "Don't touch me."

They didn't listen.

I clenched my teeth and turned to Alard. "Sir?" I had wanted it to come out strong but I could only manage a small squeak, as if a mouse was trying to impersonate a lion.

"Sir?" I called out louder when he didn't listen the first time.

He pretended to ignore me. That got me raging. Stalking forward, I blocked his way in three big strides. I spread my arms around me in an attempt to hinder his path. He stopped, his eyes comparing me to the likes of a flea that was irritating him. Little did he know that this flea bit a little too well.

"Don't you think this is an outright abuse of power?!"A lot of heads turned at my raised voice.

A muscle on his jaw twitched. "Don't involve yourself in this, young lady."

I snorted. Not involve myself in this? My whole spring break had turned into the biggest drama ever and he suggested me to get out when the climax was building up? As if!

"I hate to be rude, Sir." With the sweetest voice possible, I glared at him. "But don't you think Bella should be joining the competition with us right now?"

Our little drama had attracted a small crowd. They kept their distance. Feigning ignorance, camouflaged their interests under their inflated egos or just maintaining polite distance. But each had their ears strained in on our conversation. Be it the rich or the poor, no one missed gossip. I smiled. I knew it was easy to take advantage of Alard in this position. If there was one thing that famous people hated, it was... bad publicity.

Alard struggled to maintain his composure. Pure loathing filled his eyes. He scanned the surrounding crowd from the corner of his eyes, gauging their expressions. "Bella wouldn't want to shut down the competition, would she?"


"Do you see the reporters outside?" he hissed, "Would they let the competition go on in peace?"

"I'm sure we can handle it."

He stared me in the eyes, and my knees wobbled under his ruthless gaze. "This is not a choice."

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