18. Coconut Chutney

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"I'm Tyler." I stepped out and hissed through clenched teeth. But the shock on her face at the revelation didn't even began to dissipate the bitter taste in my mouth. My mind was already raging with anger, and even my small frame was ready to take her on right now.

"Y-you're Tyler?" Her expression was a mixture of disgust and disappointment as she kept looking back and forth between Francis and me; putting the two and two together.

"I think that's been established, can we move on?" I spoke through gritted teeth, fisting up my hands to control myself from smashing her face.

The bulky mass of my arm was finally going to be of some use today.

"So, you're bi?" That was her question and I swore to God, nothing had made me angrier in my life before.

The violence in my head was so seething and cruel that I was surprised by myself. Brandon immediately wrapped his arm around my waist, effectively stopping me from killing her.

I felt a teeny bit satisfaction when she eyed me with envy.

"Will you fucking explain what you meant by ruining my mom's bakery?" I asked her, completely ignoring her question and it was like someone super glued the smirk back on her face.

She took a step forward, purposely swaying her hips, with the jeering tone in her voice back.

"Now this got so much more interesting. Didn't it, Tyler?" She leered, stopping a foot away from me.

All of us waited for her to explain herself in silence, with the only noise audible that of my shallow breathing.

"When I found out that my Francis was being manipulated by you. I only thought it would be best to return the favor. Don't you think?"

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"Your mother just received a huge order for her bakery," she stalled, walking closer to Brandon who looked straight ahead and then turned towards me.

I remembered mom asking me for more ingredients this morning, talking excitedly about the new order.

"But it's going to break her poor heart," she continued, "When it's going to be cancelled and the word of mouth put in the market to boycott your bakery."

The undercurrent of rage passing through my body was so intense that I feared I would break my teeth with the force I grounded them.

"Why would anyone believe you?" Brandon spat out and Bella smiled again.

"Well they would, since we were the ones to put the fake order. And don't you know? My father owns the multinational food company."

She stepped closer again, and I recalled Brandon's words,

She's the devils' incarnation.

"Ruining you would be," she clicked her fingers together, it's sound echoing, "this easy."

Brandon didn't stop me this time, and my hand flew out of my own accord, connecting with her cheek with a satisfying sound.

"You bitch!" She spat out, her hand covering her face, glaring at me full force.

"Don't you dare," my voice was as low as a growl as I warned her, "try to play with me."

"You think you are safe?" she snorted, "I was just waiting for you to do this. Now I can charge you with physical assault. Your family days are over. Low scum."

"Bella!" Francis shouted, his eyes filled with anger himself.

"Why are you supporting her? You are supposed to be my fiancé!" she screamed, clearly more affected than she had been letting on.

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