4. Unfortunate Luck

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When I wake up, I feel groggy and stiff. I stretch, loudly groaning, and slide myself off the bed. I open the cabin door, walking out and shut the door behind me.

"Good morning sleepy head," Allen comments. "Mm, good morning," I yawn.

"You've never been a morning person," he chuckles. I give him a thumbs up, forgetting he isn't looking at me.

I walk over to the booth-like chairs, and throw myself on it. "Where's the food?" I ask, using my hand as a shield from the sun. "It's in the bag next to you," he replies without a glance.

I reach over and grab the bag, looking inside, I see water bottles, and random snacks ranging from crackers, to fruit.

I decide on a container of pineapples, and kiwis. I open the lid and pick them out. "Want some?" I ask. "Nah, I'm alright, thanks."

I stare at Allen for a little while studying his features, his slightly short ginger hair waving through the air, and his focused blue eyes matching the ocean. His height has definitely skyrocketed since we were little. Not to mention how bruised my ego is, since I used to be taller. "You've grown up a lot, you know that?" I stated.

"Yeah I know, I'm so much hotter," he smirks, and looks back at me, "I think you've shrunk." "Just because I'm shorter, and younger, doesn't mean I can't beat your ass," I scoff. He laughs, "I used to let you win, you were too determined, I pitied you."

"I hope you fall in the water, just so I can leave you there," I declared. He rolls his eyes, "You may be a queen, but you're still little rhea to me, all mad at me because I ate your last shortbread cookie." "First of all, I'd been saving that, and second, it was in MY stash," I state raising my voice.

"Like I said, still a kid," he giggles. "Whatever," I murmured, resisting a smile.

"Hey, whatever happened to that date you had, with that one girl?" I ask, genuinely curious. "There definitely will not be a second date," he states, with an annoyed tone.

Now he had my attention, "What happened?"

He sighs, "The date was going great at first, we had a lot in common, and I genuinely had a good time. Until, she brought me back to her home, we were getting all touchy, and I shit you not, this woman's boyfriend was standing at the end of the hallway watching us. I didn't even notice until last second, and she told him 'this is how you do it, do better', then she looked at me and asked if I could keep being her example. I literally just left, I didn't say one word."

"Who does that?"

"Apparently, her crazy ass."


When we finally make it to the docks of Arten, it's 2 hours till midnight, we quickly grab our bags and stealthily make our way toward the crowd of people, blending in. Allen grabs my hand, smoothly dodging each person.

I look around and see people enjoying the sun as much as it allows. There are a set of conjoined buildings lined together, with small shops. I see a café with a sign saying 'coffee & bakery' and make a mental note to stop there. Next to it is a brick train station, with a ticket counter to buy train tickets.

Regaining my focus, Allen leads me through a crowd toward the ticket desk.

A young child, and his mother bump into me, causing me to stumble a bit, unlinking Allen and I's hands. "Oh sorry," the mother says. "No, you're fine," I smile, helping myself balance. I look up, and Allen's gone. Ignoring the panic rising in my chest, I look for a redheaded boy, probably going insane.

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