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Eventually rage burns out.

The hate that lies in a persons heart? It disintegrates, leaves the body and enters another.

One thing you learn about the world is that it can't hate you forever.

Eventually someone else pisses the world off more than you, and you're left in the dust.

Royals around the world have already forgotten my existence. Whether it's because I'm too young to be queen, or because they want to block out the memory of their near death.

The only royal I keep in contact with is Liam Campbell, King of Aepresea.

We attended his coronation, not to long ago.

After Alexander and Emery's death, it was only natural for him to become king.

Liam offered the position to Elijah, considering he's the eldest. But Elijah wanted no part of Aepresea anymore besides the connection to his brother.

Which led little Campbell to be the King at only eighteen years old.

No longer making me the youngest ruler.

It's odd to say that I'm twenty, living by the laws I create.

Nonetheless, I'd say that Liam makes a perfect king. In the past year, he's made big adjustments to the system in Aepresea.

His first action as king was getting rid of the M.A., along with the orphanage compound. He also has been supplying materials and money to us, helping with fixing the damages his parents left behind.

He sent new contracts to each royal, making sure each of them understood what they were trading, and what he was giving.

On the other hand, it's been nice living with Elijah. Waking up each morning next to him, and to fall asleep with him by my side.

We mainly sleep in my room although he has his own.

Bellie is no longer living in the estate, and is retired. I begged her to retire after all these years. She eventually agreed after I showed her the house I bought for her.

Elijah and I visit every weekend to have dinner, we all cook and bake something together.

She's getting older and I don't want her doing too much, especially after last year.

She constantly asks me if Elijah and I are getting married, or if we're planning on having kids. Which is always an awkward conversation. Discussing Elijah and I's sex life.

Usually, we try to switch the conversation, not wanting to tell her what exactly we do during those moments.

Elijah gets flustered each time at the mention of me being his wife, or having his children.

But he always makes sure that I know that I can do whatever I want, and that it's my body, not his.

He even told me, "fuck those old ass traditional rules, if you don't want to continue a bloodline, then don't."

Which made me smile, because he really meant every word.

Dal on the other hand, is loving his life.

He's currently on vacation, which I had to make him take over two months ago.

He sent a letter, with a picture of him and a woman he met. To which he said 'she might be the one, but I'm still waiting to see if she's some crazy ass assassin, ready to kill me in my sleep'.

He now holds the title of my royal guard.

He hated the idea of being a baker.

I wasn't sure if I should let him be in a soldier position but he said he couldn't sit around and do nothing when all he knows is combat.

He's also been helping me with the deaths of the soldiers from battle. We held a funeral for each Ovantasan soldier, paying for all costs.

Ever since, we've been visiting the families homes each week, delivering groceries, and necessities. Most of the families relied on the income of the soldiers, and now that they're gone, they need help.

It's odd, how much has changed in a year.

The people I've met, the experiences I've had.

It was hard, getting over Allen's death again.

I had dreams of me killing him for months.

Elijah had dreams of Melody and Kinsley for months too. We'd both wake up in the night, comforting each other, soothing each other from one another's nightmares.

It's funny how broken we are, but so mended in each others presence.

The best part is loving pieces of each other that others call flaws, but we call them perfect.

To know that we hold each other accountable, that we love each other unconditionally.

Two years ago, I would've laughed at the thought of loving him.

But now?

I have nothing but love for him. I'm glad that I have him by my side. That he allows me to grow into who I want to be.

Because I finally know who I am.

Not just a girl born in a world of royal politics.

Not just a woman crowned as queen.

But a woman with morals of her own, whether others agree with them or not.

A woman who makes her own decisions, not because it's of convenience, but because it's who I am, and what I want.

I'm a ruler, a woman, a friend, a daughter, a girlfriend, and still the little girl who once had no idea who she was.

"I love you, sweet girl," I watch Elijah write the letter 'N' on a rock, placing it beside one that has a 'K'. On the other side, there's a rock with an 'M'.

A grave for each loved one.

He stares at the rocks for a few seconds in silence.

I lean against him, shifting myself in the grass as I place a kiss on his temple.

He turns his head, kissing me on the lips.

"Happy birthday," I whisper against his lips.

He smiles, as he leans his head on mine.

I wrap my arms around his, "Ready to be my king?"

He stills, his body losing it's breath.

He lifts himself, looking down at me. A cocky grin on his lips.

"Always, your majesty."



Oh my god guys!

It's the end of this book! AHHH!

Anyways, I cannot express how deep my appreciation goes for everyone who has read this far, and followed along with my book as well as the character's journey.

If you could, please vote and comment! It helps my book get more attention!

I love each and every one of you so much! Thank you! :)

-hc <3

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