39. A Violent Waltz

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I sit on the crusted fabric couch, stiff but relaxed.

I watch in silence as Elijah taps the edge of a desk, the telephone against his ear. He's talking to Dal, telling him our plans, giving him orders to complete.

He's asking about Nala and how she's doing. He seems pleased with the answer, smiling to himself.

Liam rummages through a series of vinyl records in a black crate. His fingers brush over different covers until he finds the right one.

He walks over to a record player in the far left corner, gently placing the record on its platter. It isn't long before music echoes throughout the room.

"Classical?" I ask, looking up at Liam.

He smiles, shrugging, "Just because I seem irresponsible-" "You are," I correct.

He sighs, "Just because I am irresponsible, doesn't mean I don't like elegant music."

"I always thought you would like a grudge or an edgy vibe. Maybe alternative rock."

He chuckles, "I'm a man of mystery, it's part of my charm. The ladies love it."

I snort, "slow your roll party boy, most women don't like what a man thinks is likable."

"Give me some tips then," he sits down next to me. "Pretty please."

In the corner of my eye, I see Elijah's head perk up, watching me, listening to us rather than Dal.

"Don't play too hard to get, it gets frustrating when you feel like you can't get through to someone. Eventually she'll move on."

He stares at me with his boy-like features, reminding me he's just a kid. A seventeen year old boy too young to be brought into a world of politics and massacre.

We all are.

"You know, you're kind of like my older sister, or like a mom," he grins.

"Yeah well someone has to help you."

He scoffs, grabbing a bottle half full of liquor, setting it down on the table in front of us. "I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

I smile, "Sure, if that means partying all night, drinking more than your liver can handle, then yes, I'd say you're doing a fine job."

He glances at me sideways, then to Elijah.

"Tell her she's wrong."

Elijah chuckles, the phone to his ear, "good luck kid."

Liam stands up, rubbing his hands down his pants, "Well, I'm going to meet my friend-er acquaintance, I need to check out the ship, make sure it's safe for all of us."

I nod, "be careful, if something's wrong, just come back."

He smiles warmly, "aw look at the serial killer caring for me. I'm truly special."

"Careful, you're still a Campbell, I'll kill you too."

He actually cackles, "okay, sure."

Elijah connects the phone to it's holder. His attention on us.

"I'll be leaving too, I have to meet up with Dal, and handle some business with my boss, tie up some loose ends."

I stare at him, uneasy, nervous. "The same boss who—" I look down his body.

He nods, "It's alright, I'll be fine."

My brows crease. He stares at me with confidence, reassuring me. But it doesn't help the pit in my stomach.

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