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"You haven't sustained any permanent injuries Mrs warren." Stated Doctor Franklyn. "Other than your broken wrist and these minor bruises you have sustained, you are doing fine, Your vitals are all good."

"You may also experience some after-effects of shock." He added and flipped through the chart in his hand. "It's normal considering everything that has happened to you."

Great, great, great but I did not want to hear about me. So what if had some bruises and scrapes, I survived what else was there to know?

My hands trembled as I rubbed my eyes. "What about my baby?"

He looked at me, his eyes filled with sympathy. That was not a good sign. I looked away. "I'm afraid the impact of the crash on your body has caused you to suffer a miscarriage."

Tears filled my eyes as I cradled my stomach. I lost my baby. My little life. The one good thing I thought I had left was gone. Tell me this was all a nightmare.

"We will have to admit you for further tests. Though I am sure you will still be able to bear children after this." He explained. His voice faded even though he continued speaking.

Bear more children? With who? Myself!! Was he trying to toy with me? My entire life has been destroyed in the space of three hours. By my husband and his skank. Now, this.

More children, that was something I could not think about right now. I just lost one and it hurt like hell. I was so excited about my pregnancy but now it was all over. Like it never happened. My baby is gone and my husband, the man who I thought loved me... betrayed me.

Is there any reason left to live after this? I have nothing. There is no point in going on. I can't do it. Not like this.

The wall protecting my life had been broken. Leaving everything in the open to be torn apart by anyone who wanted to. How could he have done this to me? Why would he do this to me? Why? Why? Why? What have I done to him to deserve this? Why did my baby have to pay for this?

I tried to close my eyes but I just saw pain. That skank, parading in my favourite shirt with her skanky arms wrapped around my husband and him fondling her, kissing her, loving her. Me leaving him, me losing him, losing everything. Dear heavens. This was absolute madness, right?

Surly one person could not go through all of this and still be alive. This has to be made up. Stuff like this only happened in the movies. Right?

As if my life were a movie. Sigh. Life sucked so damn much right now. I just wanted to disappear. Erase me from this horrible hell I was now in. I could not exist like this. My life was perfect, now it's not. I had a good thing going and has been taken from me.

Everything was now broken and these horrific shambles were too splintered to put back into place. Goodbye world, I take my leave now.


"Oh, there you are." I looked toward the owner of the voice.

"Thank goodness I found you, I caused such a scene out there if someone hadn't been able to tell me where you were things woulda turned nasty." It was my sister Jasmyne.

I half smiled at the sight of her. I did not think about calling her. I had no thoughts about calling anyone. I could have sworn I was all alone now. I was in too much shock to think. I felt so broken and having other people around me was the last thing on my mind. People seeing me like this would tear me up.

She pulled me into her arms. It was warm and soft. Or was it just because I was on a crappy hospital bed.

"I went nuts when Kyron called and said you were in an accident."

"Whe..." I swallowed it was hard to mention his name. "Is he here?"

"Yeah, I'll call him and let him know I found you."

My eyes popped open in horror. I did not want him here. Not now, not after what he has done to me. "Jas no, please don't" I begged on the verge of crying.

She looked at me. Surprised that I said that. She better learn to get used to it now. Wait She's been on mainland all this time did she know about Kyron's cheating ways? She had to know. I'm sure everyone knew. What am I saying? Jasmyne was my sister, not his. Calm down paranoia, Jasmyne was not the enemy here. She was the only wall I had left to put between me and Kyron.

"Why? what's wrong?"

I preferred not to talk about it but she had to know. I needed her to keep Kyron away from me. As childish as it sounded she was all the strength I had left. I had no energy left to fight for me or to face Kyron.

"I took a plane back home, instead of the boat cause it made me sick, I was early, I got home and he....." I sighed and trailed off. The tears raced to get out. No stop. Keep it together.

"Jasarie." She called, panic present in her voice.

"He was with another woman, he called her baby, she was in his arms, they were kissing." Saying it felt so much worse now. The pain was killing me.

"I'm gonna kill him, that asshole just waits till I see him." She huffed.

Just like that, she had gone into my protective big sister mood. I have always loved her for that. She was always the tougher one, protecting me when I could not do it alone.

"Jasmyne, I need you right now, No more Kyron please " I begged as I squeezed her hand. I did not want to talk about it any longer or ever again.

"Oh dear I'm sorry jas, how are you feeling?" She touched my forehead. "Ohhh honey just look at you."

"I...." I started then trailed off. Up until now she still had not realized which ward I was on. A baby cried out as if on cue.

Then it clicked. She stepped back and looked around. She looked at me a frown formed across her lips. "Jasarie, what are you doing on a maternity ward?"

Should I tell her about the miscarriage? Should I tell anyone? I never really kept anything from Jasmyne. I could not start now. "The accident, I had a miscarriage."

Her face fell and tears formed in her eyes. That was a bad idea, my tears were acting up again. She held onto my hand and squeezed it and I broke.

Everything that tortured me today won. My happiness and my life have all been drained out of me. I could no longer go on. Not like this. It was too hard. There was no serenity after this. No road to peace of mind because I was losing mine.

Jasmyne began threatening Kyron as she hugged me and sobbed. She was all the hope I had left now. A bottle of strong rum was my next resort. Had I not been in the hospital I would have me one of those bottles right now.

Bad luck was now my destined fate. My car? Gone. My husband? Gone. My baby? Gone. My life? Destroyed. Jasarie? Dead. The worst, no all my ultimate worst fears have come to life today.

How could I go on with my life after this? The only thing I saw ahead was darkness. Why did I have to survive that car crash when I lost everything I was living for?


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So I was wrong, things have gotten worse for Jasarie. First Kyron now her baby. I hope she can recover.



Thanks for reading.

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