Well I'll be Damned

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Two weeks and Jasarie was still in intensive care. She improved over those past days and that meant she would make it through this. All she had left to do was wake up. I prayed every day and night that she would.

Jared, my adorable little nephew, was also doing much better. He started breathing on his own. I thought that was it Then his blood sugar levels kept on dropping. Which had us running around like a bunch of frayed crazy ants to get it back to normal. Without his supplements from jasarie, he was not getting the number of nutrients needed. It has returned to normal now. I would be able to take him home with me if all goes well this week.

He gave us quite a scare I did not know how I could have comforted Jasarie if she woke up and found out that she lost him. All he needed now was his loving mommy. We all needed her.

Kyron had only been allowed to see Jared. I do my best to keep him away from Jasarie. She wanted a divorce. Letting Kyron get close to her right now would have been a bad idea. However, if she woke up and decided to forgive him I would have no objections. He visited little Jared all the time and it softened my heart a little.

I saw why Jasarie did not want to keep him out of their baby's life. He was a good father and I believed him when he said he would take care of his son and Jasarie.

This was the man my sister married. This was the man she loved. He had redeemed himself but that side of him stemmed from Jared being his son. He could not cheat on his son. He could still do it to jasarie however.

I went into his house. There were bags, chair cushions, clothes, and dirty dishes everywhere. When did Kyron become such a pig? I guess Jasarie was the one who kept the place in one piece.

I heard noises in the kitchen and tiptoed towards it. If he was in there with another woman I would kill him. The door was cracked open by a centimetre. I peered in. It was wrong, I knew that but the investigator in me was curious. I had my doubts about Kyron and this was the only way I could be sure he had changed.

He was in there with company but it was not a woman. He was so damn lucky right now. I reached my hand out to open the door but then I heard something that made me stop.

"All you had to do was trash the place, take some stuff, and leave the bloody warning."

That was Kyron and he sounded mad. Judging from what he just said I was pretty sure he was talking about a crime gone wrong. What the hell did I really just walk into? Someone else started speaking.

"We did what ya asked, there were complications and we handled it."

"Handled it! Because of your screw up, my wife is in the fucking hospital!"

Son of a bitch.

My heart dropped out of my chest. I did not just hear that. Mind tricks, please be mind tricks.

"Whoa, the pregnant woman is your wife, why the fuck did you have us hit the place then?"

He sighed. "I just wanted you to scare her so she could come back home."

"You said no one would be at home."

Kyron slammed his hands on the table in front of him. "That's not the point!"

"Just pay up so we can go."

"Pay up!" He yelled. "You could have killed my son!"

"You just had to scare them leave a warning and you fucked it up!"

I backed away from the door. Kyron did this to my sister. After all the begging, the middle of the night pleas. The 'I have changed' speeches. The 'I love your sister' speeches. The 'I needed her'. I would never hurt her again. This was what he was doing. Playing me like a fool.

I made it outside and dialled the police officer handling my case.



I thought these guys were professionals but now I see I was wrong. They could have killed Jazzy and Jared. How was I supposed to live without them? I just wanted them to break a few things and leave a warning message. Just to scare them. Jasarie would not stay there if she thought it was not safe for the baby. I could have convinced her to come back home. It was not supposed to happen like this. I just wanted my family back with me. Not stuck in the hospital.

Holding my son in my arms has made me realize what a terrible husband I have been. That little boy came from the love Jazzy and I shared. He had her eyes. He was so handsome. He has shown me the error of my ways and I would do anything to show Jazzy how much I loved her for this.

Steven got up."Yow, I ain't going go to no jail. I'm outta here man."

Steven. I should slit his throat for what he did to Jazzy. He put his hands on her and he was getting on my nerves.

"Look, man, you messed up in the head. Why you ain't tell us yo wife was there?"

Roy was right. I thought it would not have mattered. They were supposed to follow instructions. Not try to kill and anyone.

"Ya know what, just take your money and go. Disappear none of this shit ever happened, got it."

As mad as I was the whole thing was working out in my favor. Jasmyne has begun to trust me again and when Jazzy wakes up snd sees how much I have changed she will forgive me.

We were going to be a family again and I will never let them go. I will get rid of Arlene, stop seeing Cara, and end things with Denise. All for my wife and my son. They had enough love to keep me going.

I handed Roy and Steven their cuts. It was for a good cause in the long run. There will never be a repeat of this ever. From now on I was going to do right by my wife and my son. I loved them and they would always know that.

The kitchen door burst open and three policemen dressed in black filed in. "Everybody get down on the floor now! Hands behind your heads!"

I did not even get the chance to get on the ground one of the officers grabbed onto me and shoved me down.

"What the hell officer I ain't do nun!"

"Shut up, you are all under arrest for the breaking and entering and premeditated assault."

I was baffled. How did they find out? They could not have. Could they? Why else would they be here?

They handcuffed us and lead us outside. I held my head up high. This would amount to nothing. They had nothing to connect us.

They put me and Roy in the first car and Steven in the second. He was getting agitated and raising suspicion. If he just kept his damn cool we would be fine.

Someone in a sleek red dress stood up ahead. Her arms were folded and her face was crossed. I could have sworn it was Jazzy but it was not her. It was Jasmyne. How did I not see her there before? Wait, what was she doing here?

Our eyes met and she gave me a knowing look. The look that said I know your dirty secrets. Holy shit. She called the cops on me. She knew. I was done for.


Oh my gosh...Kyron how could he... And then he is calling it love. I hope he gets what he deserves.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter



Thank you for reading.

Remember the vow you made ( Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant