Surprise baby

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I rubbed my now six-month belly. That French vanilla ice cream had hit the spot. I swear this kid had a serious sweet tooth. Jasmyne had been calling me fat Albert for the past two months, then she would corner me while trying her best to shove celery, broccoli, or green beans down my throat. Being pregnant while living with her was healthy and horrid. Yuck, yuck, and yuck.

The shock of losing one baby and finding out there was another one was overwhelming and exciting. My slight three-month bump, which I thought was due to my slim physique, was due to the twins I was carrying. The look on my face when Jasmyne had told me the news was one of disbelief. I had never expected twins. Though I have always dreamed of having them. There was something about having two of everything that was appealing to me.


Jasmyne waved the phone at me. "It's your doctor."

I sighed. "I'm not in the mood." I complained. "let her tell you that I can't have any more babies." I did not understand why she insisted on asking when she knew that I was not going to talk to anyone but her.

I was a wreck and she was my rock. I have done nothing but sulk and cry these past two weeks. Talking to other people made it worse. After the phone call, she walked over and stood in front of me with her arms folded. "Well you don't waste time do you."

I looked at her. Now was not the time for me to be bashed by Jasmyne of all people. "What" I moaned.

"When were you gonna tell me?"

I shook my head. "Tell you what?"

"Don't play coy with me.... why didn't you tell me you got knocked up again."

Did my ears hear right? Knocked up? Again? She had to be high on something if not then I was. Knocked up? Like what the hell?

Jasmyne was making fun of me? Tears welled in my eyes. It had only been three weeks. This was too much for me to handle. Why was she even saying stuff like that?

"What are you talking about?"

"Ohhh, Jasarie my sweetheart, I hate to tell you this but you're still pregnant." She explained.

Yeah, I was high on something.


The excitement of having a baby filled me again. I had a new purpose to live. To be happy. To breathe once more. It would have been wonderful to have both of them with me. Having one of my babies survive was the wake-up call I was looking for. I made a promise that I was going to cherish this little miracle with my life. I would not forget the one that I lost. Mommy would always remember you, my little angel, always. Mommy loves you and so will your twin.

I have not seen Kyron since the incident. Thanks to Jasmyne. He was probably off with some other chick since what's her face was behind bars. She thought that it was Kyron in the car and wanted to kill him and not me and she has begged me to forgive her. Like explaining it would make everything okay. Hell no. She killed my baby. At least she was out of the way.

Or maybe, just maybe he was a wreck. Like I was. Maybe losing me made him sober up. Maybe it was driving him crazy. Maybe he still loves me. Or maybe he had moved on with someone who was sexier, smarter, better. Whatever, I did not care. He was dead to me now. Lying cheating bastard!

I know he still talked to Jasmyne but I refused to hear anything he has had to say over these last three months. Since he did not send any divorce papers. Maybe he has been telling Jasmyne to tell me how sorry he was. Like I gave a rats ass.

I had my baby to worry about. What he did to me, what he did to us could never be fixed with just sorry and it could wait. My baby needed my full attention now. I had to stay focused and healthy. I had to do this without Kyron.

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