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Hello! First I'd like to thank you for picking this story to give a try!

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Hello! First I'd like to thank you for picking this story to give a try!

I've been working on the idea for a while and waited until now to go on with it. If you had seen a while ago, I had first published Song Story. That story is still going to be out after this one is finished. I took Song Story off, and chose to actually write the idea into a four-five book series where each best friend gets their own book.

I decided to do this, because I originally just wanted to write in Rain's timeline, and skip over the other character's stories because she was going to be the only character I focused on originally. But it came to my head while I was writing the third chapter of Song Story (after Dylan and Rylie got together) and thought I could jump back a little in the timeline to focus on Rylie.

So I present to you, Far Love.

Each girl from these books will have their own book for their own romance. With each book being a different type of trope, please proceed with caution, as there might be things you might not like. All the books can technically be read as standalone, but if you plan to read them all, I recommend reading all of them in order to understand better.

Once again, thank you for choosing Far Love, and please enjoy :)

P.S. Tall men are hot men so if you don't like tall hot men don't dis me.🖕😌



Rylie Hickens is a small author living with her friends Nina and Mara. One morning after her friends went to the football game against Washington, Nina brought back a player from the opposing team. When he doesn't have a way back to his hotel, he asks his teammate, Dylan Woods to come by and pick him up.

Rylie feels drawn to him as soon as she opens the door for him. There are just two things in the way of her letting herself fall;

the distance, and the publicity.


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Katelynn J. Peterson

Far Love (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now