6 | Woods kids

40 1 0

August 24th, 2023

"Is that you Rylie?" I hear behind me. I take extra time assisting the diners I'm helping.

Unfortunately, when I'm done, I do have to turn around. I could have ignored him, but he is sitting in my clear line of sight on the way back to the counter where food is waiting. I might have been able to use the excuse that I was working, but Marla picked up the plates and winks at me.

I take a breath into my lungs and walk over, "Hey, why are you still in California? Don't you have some football stuff you should be doing?"

"Well what are you doing in Claremont?" he challenges.

"I work here."


I look up at the rest of the table and feel my cheeks heat. Thankfully the ding of a bell from Rob chimes telling me another dish is ready.

"Welp looks like I should get back to work, see you around."

I walk briskly toward the counter and take the plate, but Rob touches my hand, "You're welcome."

I laugh and walk over to the table the dish belongs to and Dylan tries to get my attention again. I roll my eyes and continue working. From their table, I hear his brothers laughing at him, and I'm not quite sure if it's about me or not.

When Rain waves me over I have no other choice but to come over, "What can I get for ya?" I ask.

She forms a kind smile over her face and says, "I'd like another strawberry shake please."

I look at her empty cup and back to her. I pick it up and say, "I'll have that right out."

I put the cup on the counter for Rob and say, "Another shake for table four."

He nods and whips it up easily, setting the cup back on the counter in under two minutes. I take it and put it on my tray along with some other tables' items.

I go around the cafe serving people and come back to Rain, "Here's that shake for you, anything else for anyone?"

They all look around the table and Dylan says, "Your number."

Rain rolls her eyes and says, "Excuse him, he's the cocky one."

I laugh. For some reason, I feel like I should keep the fact that I already have his number a secret and say, "I wouldn't give him my number willingly anyway."

She smiles, "You're the Rylie right?" she puts her hand out.

I feel my heart speed up because it must have just resonated with me that I am talking to her. I take her hand anyway and shake it, "That's me."

She looks around the table, "Since Dylan is so bad at it I'll introduce you to everyone," I don't need her to—everyone knows their names—, but she goes on, "That's Liam and Bryan," she points to a pair of chestnut-haired guys. They looked similar, besides the fact that Dylan is Bryan's twin brother. She points to two little kids at the other side of the table, "Stella and Miles," she gestures to herself finally, "And I'm Rain."

I wave shyly to everyone, "It's nice to meet you all," I say as I pick out some themed stickers from my apron.

I squat down next to Stella and Miles and hand them each two stickers. As I stand back up I find Dylan's stare trailing me. I feel my cheeks turn red.

"Will we be needing that check soon?" I ask.

Liam says, "No could we get chocolate cake around the table, we will only need one bill."

Rain scoffs, but doesn't protest. I nod and walk over to the kitchen counter window, "Six chocolate cakes."

He chuckles like it's an inside joke and he goes to the back and says, "I'll help you carry these."

He carries three and I carry three as we walk over to their table. When they are all passed around, Liam says, "That check will be good now."

I smile and nod. Rob stays back to chat with them. I shake my head, confused. Rob and Marla aren't the types to talk to celebrities just because they are celebrities. There's something more between the old couple and the group of young adults at the table.

I shrug and go to the computer to get the receipts.

I return to the dining area and hand another table their bill as well and come over to put theirs on the table. I check my watch, it's 5:00, and my shift is over.

I walk over to Marla and Rob, "I've got to get going, I'll see you on Monday."

"Awh, okay honey, have a good weekend." She pulls me into a hug and I say my goodbyes to her and Rob.

I go to the break room to pack up my things and shrug my backpack on. I walk through the dining room and I wave once more toward Rob and Marla, who is working again now.

I get to my car and unlock it, then I hear the door open to the cafe.

"Wait, Rylie." My heart speeds up from the way that voice says my name.

Dylan catches up to me and says, "Wait."

"I'm waiting," I joke.

"I overheard that you're going to not be working until Monday, which means you have Friday and the weekends off..." he trails off and his face scrunched like he regretted what he was about to say. He shakes his head, "Never mind, that's a bad idea. But I'm going back to Seattle on Friday, do you maybe want to go somewhere with me before I leave?"

The Woods family are my children.
I've literally been dreaming of them for YEARS. 🥹

Katelynn J. Peterson

Published: April 8th, 2023

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