26 | New plans

21 2 0

October 26th, 2023

Over the past week, I think I've come to a decision.

When I think of LA, all I think about is how Dylan and Rain had to stay out of the way of paparazzi. They physically hid in Claremont to get away from cameras. I think about how that will happen to me if I go back. LA is the center of celebrity talent and I don't want a part of it at all.

I've picked an affordable studio apartment up in Portland that I've come to like, and I'm going to go sign on it now.

For the past couple of years, living with roommates wasn't necessary, but I enjoyed living with them so I chose to stay in the apartment with them to help with rent.

Now it's my turn to do something for me, and living alone seemed perfect now.

I grab the keys to Amy's car-she let me use them for today-and walk out the door.

I'm wearing a loose burgundy sweater, baggy jeans, and a pair of booties with a jacket slung over my right arm. It was really only if someone wanted to snap a photo of me so I could hide my face.

When I get to the car in the lot, I feel someone behind me so I walk faster. I hear footsteps spread up, "Wait." The voice is deeper like a man's, but softer like he is younger, kinder.

"I don't have time right now, I need to get going," I say without looking behind me.

"No, you dropped this," he catches up to me, now walking next to me.

I look up before I open my car door and am met with a soft man's face. He doesn't look old, maybe even a little younger than me. "What?"

"You dropped this," he repeats, holding up my wallet.

I sigh, "Right," I grab the wallet and he holds onto it, squinting at my face.

"Can I have the wallet please?"

He lets go, "Aren't you that Rylie that everyone's talking about?"

I sigh, "Yes, that's me."

"You're really good at hiding, there has only been one picture the press has released with all their articles and stuff... that one on the plane."

"Oh, thank you?" I don't know if that's a compliment.

"You're welcome..."

I nod and gesture for him to step out of the way. "Can I get in my car now?"

Instead, he puts his hand out for me to shake, "I'd like to write a piece on you... if that's okay. I understand how annoying it can be."

"Yes. It is annoying." I scowl.

He chuckles, which makes me scowl further. "There's just... been so many articles about Matthew Monroe's lost daughter, talking about how you probably ran from home and all that." I nod. The only articles I have seen have talked mainly about my father. The damn man was probably just ecstatic that he was getting the media attention. "I don't think that's how everything happened, respectfully."

"It's not," I admit. I turn toward him. "How do you know that though?"

"I come from a similar situation it seems, with a lower scale of course. And I want to tell your story, not a story people think is true."

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