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"Hi, Captain." 

"Neil - how - they told me you -" 

It was painfully obvious Mr Keating had been crying. His face was red and blotchy, his hair was dishevelled and there were still tear tracks down his cheeks. 

"I know, the others told me already. I - I thought about it, captain. But, well, I can't exactly seize the day if I'm dead, can I? So... I ran away." 

Keating let out a wet laugh. 

"You ran away." 

Neil nodded, swallowing hard. The expression on Keating's face hit him hard. There was disbelief and pride and happiness, but most of all, there was relief. His father had never looked at him like that, Neil, thought. 

"I'm proud of you, Mr Perry. Here -" Keating picked a book off the table he had been sitting at - his table, Neil realised. He recognised the book, too. 

Neil nodded, taking the book from Mr Keating. With a smile, he looked back at his teacher and nodded, his eyes a little wet. "Thank you." 

"It's nothing. It's yours anyways", Mr Keating said, regaining some of his usual tone and demeanor. 

"No, really. Thank you for everything. I think - I think I would've used that gun if it wasn't for your lessons." Neil didn't really know why he was saying this. He'd never been the type to share his negative emotions or experiences, let alone his suicidal thoughts, and he sure as hell wasn't some wet blanket. But it was worth it, because the captain's face crumpled again, he drew in a deep breath, and hugged Neil. 

If this was what a father's embrace felt like, Neil never wanted to leave. He was probably holding on a little too tightly, but so was Mr Keating, and he could've died yesterday night, so he figured he could cut them some slack. 

"I'm proud of you", the captain whispered, and that was the final straw. The tears in Neil's eyes spilled over, and while he wasn't sobbing - he wasn't that desperate - he did get Keating's shoulder pretty wet. 

"It's okay, we'll figure it out." 

"I need to see Todd, but I can't be seen." 

"I understand. I'll make sure it's safe. I'm sure your friends will help me, won't you, lads?" 

"Aye, aye, Captain!" 

The next chapter will be longer (like around two thousand words again probably 😏) but this is pretty much still the same chapter as the last one anyways, I just wanted Neil's POV on the rest of the scene. Plus, it's weird to refer to Keating as John, but he wouldn't exactly think of himself as Mr Keating, would he? 

Thanks for reading! 

Moony <3

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