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On the walk to the infirmary, Neil informed the captain and his friends about the events of the past one and a half days in more detail. In hushed tones, of course - they snuck as quietly as possible, avoiding everyone they came across. It slowed them down quite a lot, but it wasn't as if they had a choice. 

It was relieving in a way and exhilerating in another to watch Mr Keating come more alive as he told his story, as he played a secret game of hide and seek like a little boy, as he learned more about the story of Neil's life. As he found love, passion, romance and tragedy in Neil's story, Neil's poem of the past few days. The days that had been agony for Keating himself but that he now saw in a different light, too. After all, Keating hadn't been the only one living then, and if a little (a lot) of heartbreak was what it took for his student (his son) to break free, he would take it again and again. He wouldn't even let Neil apologise. 

There was barely anyone in the infirmary, which made Neil furious. 

"His parents didn't come", the captain informed him in a hushed voice. "They just inquired about wether he would live on the phone and when they were assured he most likely would, they decided they 'might come later'." Quiet fury burned in the teacher's usually happily twinkling eyes, and Neil figured Keating might cover for him if he comitted murder. 

"But his brother, Jeffrey, came. He's been with Todd ever since he arrived and I don't think he'll leave because of some feeble excuse, but I also don't think he'll tell on you. He cares about Todd too much for that. The only other one there right now is Nolan and he's only there to convince Jeffrey it wasn't his fault. I should be able to lure him out if I tell him I have something to confess about your 'suicide', Neil. That is, if you're all right with that?" 

"Please, do spread some shit about my father." 

"All the dirty details", Charlie added. "Like how he told Neil he would rather have a dead son than an actor one. Neil told you about that because that's what he said the last time Neil tried to get a part in a play. And the time he slapped Neil when he was eight because he said he thought it was mean that he yelled at his mother." 

Neil grinned. "Brilliant, Charlie." 

"Oooh, I got more. Can I come with you, captain?" 

"Of course, Mr Dalton. Now come on, I believe Neil wants to visit Mr Anderson." 

Charlie winked at Neil as they passed him. "Go get your man, oh knight in shining armour", he whispered. 

"Charlie!", Neil hissed, his face bright red. 

Charlie just smirked before plastering a very convincing angrily grieving expression onto his face. 

Of course Charlie "Nuwanda" Dalton had to be agressive about being sad. What else was new? 


"Mr Nolan?" 

Keating's voice - without its usual playfulness but stil very much infuriating, interrupted Mr Nolan's monologue. Irritated, he looked up. 

"Keating. What is it?" 

Keating looked downright miserable, which served him just right, and he was accompanied by the dead boy's friend Charlie Dalton. 

"I have something to tell you. It's about the death of Neil Perry." 

Keating's voice cracked a little. Good. At least he was feeling guilty. 

"Do tell, Mr Keating." 

"I was... I was actually hoping we could go somewhere more... apropriate, seeing as Mr Perry and young Mr Anderson were very close. I would suggest my office." 

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