Chapter 17

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"Dylan, get out of my house. You are not my boyfriend anymore, nor will you ever be, ever again. Get out before I call the police." I said angrily. I grabbed my water bottle and held it in a position where I could hit him easily.

"Y/N. Please just come back home. We can talk about this!" He pleaded.

"Not a chance. I found you in bed with my cousin. Not only did you cheat on me, but it was with my cousin!! AND YOU DID IT FOR MONTHS!!! I'm still not talking to him." I said.

"I only did it because he made me."

"Clearly you liked it better since it went on for 3 months. Get out. I don't care if you want to screw my cousin, but I'm done with getting screwed over by you. Now leave."

"Not until you hear me out."

"Anna, call the police." I said.

"Woah we don't need to go that far."

"We do unless you get out of my house."

"Fine, but we aren't done talking about this." He walked out.

"Yes we are. Bye." I shut the door in his face. Then I screamed. "I HATE HIM I ABSOLUTELY HATE HIM!!!" I punched a pillow and threw it on the floor. Then went in my room and slammed the door.

-Louis POV-

"Umm Anna? What just happened?"

"That was Dylan. Y/N's ex-boyfriend. They used to really like each other, but then she caught him sleeping with her cousin Tyler. They broke up after that, and Y/N hates him now. It's been 9 months, but he tries to reach out every once in a while."

"That's horrible. Why won't he leave her alone?"

"Who knows. She needs to get a restraining order though."

"I'm gonna go talk to her." I said. I knocked on the door and slowly walked into her room. She was laying face down on her bed. "Y/N? It's Louis."

"Hi." She said from the pillow.

"Can I come lay by you?"

"Sure." I laid by her and pulled her into my arms. She cried into my shirt and I rubbed her back.

"Do you want me to talk to you? Or just sit here in silence?"

"Can you talk to me?"

"Of course. This morning Jackson woke me up at 5:30 so that I could spot him while he was lifting weights. And he didn't even need a spot. I could've slept in for an extra hour, but Jackie had different ideas. I had an omelet for breakfast and then took a shower. The water was really hot this morning, but it felt nice since we've been working really hard lately. Then Anna stormed into our dorm and demanded that Jackson pick her up to see if she was heavy. Since he had just been lifting, it was easy for him, and she was satisfied. I think you were still asleep at this point. Then we went to work and I got to watch you be hot all day. Which you always are, but I love being able to watch you without anyone judging me or thinking I'm weird." I looked down at her and saw that she was sleeping soundly. I smiled at her and brushed some hair out of her face. I laid down and pulled the blankets over us. I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams, my love."



I woke up to the sun shining in my face and the blankets around me. I stretched and felt something around my waist. I looked down to see some hands wrapped my waist holding me close. I turned around to find Louis holding me close. He adjusted himself and buried his face in my neck. His hair was fluffy and tickled my nose. I waved it out of my face and started running my hands through it. Not only was it soft, but it smelled really nice. I should see what hair products he uses.

"Mmm that feels good." He mumbled into my neck.

"Then I'll keep doing it." I kept playing with his hair and he snuggled in even closer.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Fine. I'm going to fill out a restraining order against him, and all should be well. Thank you for being with me. I slept really well last night. I guess I like being in your arms."

"I like you being in my arms a lot. We should do this every night."

"We'll see. Hey what shampoo do you use?"

"I'm not sure. Just whatever Jackson buys for me."

"It smells amazing."

"Good to know. Should we get up?"


"We have to get to work eventually."

"It's only 5:30. We have an hour until we need to get up to get ready."

"Fine. Set an alarm for 6:30 and we'll go back to sleep."

"Okay." I grabbed my phone and set an alarm. I saw that I had a text from Dylan and I immediately blocked him. I wrapped my arms around Louis' torso and brought him in so he was resting on my chest.

"You're so warm."

"Thanks, hun."

"Sleep well."

"You too." I played with his hair as he fell into dream land. How lucky am I to have this man in my life? He didn't need to, but he stayed with me all last night and made sure I felt safe and loved. He holds my hand gently, kisses me lightly, and watches Barbie movies with me when I want to.

"Louis." I whispered. He didn't budge. "I think I might love you."

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