Chapter 30

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I wake late the next day, blinking into the blazing light filtering through the glass wall of my bedroom. A dull throb between my eyes bids me good morning and I groan, burying my head back in the pillow.

I dress and accept a cup of coffee from Sera, waving off her offer of food and making my way to the balcony, sipping my drink.

Looking out over the spiralling chaos of the City, I can't help but feel that everything looks at once the same and entirely different. People stroll through the alleyways and between buildings, shouts of greeting and a hum of conversation intermingling in the hot afternoon air, the same sounds that have greeted me every day of my life.

Today, though, the familiar sounds fill me with sadness. I cannot bear the sight of all those people, cheerfully carrying on with their business, even knowing that a war wages outside our newly-fragile Wall. We have been entrusted to keep them safe, despite every instance of our failure. Down there, in every cranny of my beloved City there are brave, honest people. People who have taken up roughshod weapons when we asked it of them, who stood up to hundreds of years of oppression and took back what was owed. Time and time again they have proven their loyalty and their faith in us. When the Wall fell they bodily pushed the Wasters from our home. When we turned around and asked for an alliance with the Wasters instead, my people put their trust in our judgement and placed their prejudice aside. They truly believe that Meg, Will and I can protect them and their children from harm.

The weight of thousands of lives presses down on my shoulders and the scorching between my eyes burns anew. I place my cup down on the ground and clamber up onto the ledge of the balcony, gripping the handlebar draped over the line of rope.

I take a steadying breath, grasping onto the moment of anticipation that seizes me, the great gift that jumping gives to my soul. I leap, pushing off of the glass ledge and sailing weightlessly along the length of the rope down to the Palace's outer wall. The fall only lasts a few precious seconds but I savour them with a savage ferocity. In a world of uncertainty, I can still have this one thing. This one freedom that is all my own.

My feet hit the top of the outer wall with a soundless precision and I immediately swing down, dropping onto the side opposite. I dodge the various horses and pedestrians dotting the street, feeling myself a part of the crowd. Slipping effortlessly through the familiar throng I arrive at the base of one of the former Court buildings and leap up it's facade, picking my way towards the roof.

Once I am situated on top of the building I turn in the direction of the army compound and take off running. I give in to my instincts, letting my heart and limbs carry me from rooftop to rooftop, propelling me over the familiar streets and alleyways. The hot desert breeze licks my skin and soothes my pulsing headache, returning strength to my tired body.

I reach the gates of the compound all too soon. The field is littered with City soldiers and Waster warriors, sparring against one another using a variety of weapons. The ringing of steel meeting heavy wood and intermingling with fierce battle cries fills my ears. As I make my way around the gate I catch glimpses of spears, staffs and swords; a virtual smorgasbord of fighting styles and stances.

After hopping the fence I trace the perimeter of the field, making my way towards the front. Jaron and Will are speaking with an assorted group of Wasters and Miners, their voices too low for me to make out at this distance. I lean back against the gate, turning my face up towards the sun and shutting my eyes against the afternoon light. The chief and the commander have likely been awake for hours and are already in the midst of recruiting people for our scouting party to the Madam's base.

I open my eyes and blink the spots of light from my vision, gazing back out over the field. Luca is sparring with a Miner woman, moving agilely out of the way of her sword and spinning in place, bringing his staff down on her weapon and knocking it from her hands, at once stooping to retrieve it for her.

The Wastelands (Part II of the Runner Series)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara