Chapter 47

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My heart thuds heavily in my throat and my various injuries ache from the exertion, but it doesn't matter. My body was made for this. My stride is effortless and free, my legs propel me forward, away from the Madam's tower and deeper into the city.

I glance down as I run. The Mech Enforcers are steady in their pursuit of Luca and I, though their blank faces show no trace of strain. They stare up at me, hundreds of pairs of cold, unfeeling eyes burning through my exterior and hardening my resolve.

I can hear Luca's breath at my back- slightly ragged. I wonder vaguely if he is still keeping track of the people he has killed. After all this, I can assume he'll have an elaborate design to add onto his tattoo.

Tearing my eyes away from the murderous sight below me, I shake my head in an effort to clear my thoughts. My own callousness shocks me; clearly the things I have seen and done tonight are beginning to take their toll.

And we still have a long way to go.

The sound of our footsteps ringing off the iron grid is muffled by the pouring rain. I squint through the mist, straining to make out the lights ahead. Will and the rest of the City soldiers are on track to meet us and I am uncomfortably aware that I am hand-delivering them a pack of wolves.

The city buildings crowd in around us, stretching past the grid and up towards the hangar. Jaron and the rest of the Wasters will be making their way up and out, using Babel's ships to evacuate the wounded and destroying their remaining airfleet. After that, the only way out of this dome will be through the hole we blew in the wall near the Irrigator. This fact and a million other details swirl through my mind as I sprint. Will says that the prisoners from the Irrigator are still being pulled out; our job is to keep this fight going for as long as it takes the last person to make their way through the hole and onto one of Meg's airships.

Until then, I have to keep running.

I hear Will's army before I see it. Amongst the sounds of falling water I can make out shouts and the rhythmic stomping of many booted feet coming to greet us. A grim smile pulls at my lips and I increase my speed, leaning into the wall of rain and hurtling towards them.

The grid reverberates beneath me, the buildings loom above and suddenly, there he is.

The soldiers collide with the Mech Enforcers with the force of a boulder meeting stone walls. I don't bother to slow down, throwing myself over the ledge of the grid and landing amongst the soldiers. I am vaguely aware of Luca dropping somewhere near me but I am already focused on getting to the front of the pack, knowing that's where I'll find him.

Mech Enforcers crowd in on all sides, wielding their deadly, oversized swords. They move in smooth, concentric motions, never slowing or breaking stride. The Madam's robotic army is an overwhelming display of strength. Fighting them feels unnatural, like we are up against something perverse and malformed.

Everywhere I move the swell of Mech Enforcers presses in further. I hack and slash, continually pushing aside the feeling of claustrophobia. I just want this to be over. I want to get Will, get out of this dome and never, ever come back here again. Babel is a place of nightmares; it is no wonder that I am no longer plagued by memories when I sleep. Babel has shown me worse. It has shown me hell.

When I find Will it is almost by accident. I duck to avoid a blow with a Mech Enforcer's elbow, withdrawing my dagger and swiping at his calf. He falls but makes one last stab at me and I have to kick out in a desperate attempt to dodge his blade. The action sends me flying backwards and I collide with a soldier, who reaches down to yank me to my feet.

"Hey, Red." His grey eyes crinkle at the corners. My heart immediately lifts as we exchange relieved grins.

It's all right. We're all right.

The Wastelands (Part II of the Runner Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora