Chapter 40

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"When will I see you again?" Will sits up, watching me as I dress.

I grin at his rumpled appearance and pull my green shirt down over my shoulders, tugging fruitlessly at its many wrinkles.

"Let's meet after the evening's announcements." I say, shaking out my mass of hair and finger-combing the knots. "Lara will have to go out for the night and I don't want her seeing you."

"Why not?"

"Because it's bad enough she knows that I'm here. If this whole thing goes tits-up I won't be dragging you down with me." I grimace when my hand catches on a particularly stubborn knot.

"If anything happens to you, you can be certain that I will be making myself known." He says evenly. "It won't matter whether I meet her now or later."

I give up on the snag and twist the gnarled ends of my hair into a hurried braid, slinging it over my shoulder. "That is an incredibly romantic proposition for meeting my friends."

"She isn't your friend." He knits his brows together. "Showing her that I am here with you could be advantageous. Lara might be less inclined to scarper if she's sees me on your side."

"And what would she be seeing, precisely?" I tease. "Some big, brawny guy looming over her, ready to leap to the rescue of poor, helpless me?"

A flash of his half-grin. "That's right."

"Will Cain, striking fear into the hearts of consorts since 209 A.B.." I remark dryly, then yelp as he jumps to his feet and grabs me around the waist, twirling me into his chest.

"I get the feeling that you don't take me seriously." He growls down at me and I stifle a laugh. "I'll have you know that I can be very intimidating."

"Is that so?" Tilting my head. "Then why is it so easy to kiss you?" I reach up and pull his chin down, pressing my lips to his and laughing into his mouth when he tilts me backwards in an exaggerated motion.

"Kissing is a privilege I afford very few." He slips seamlessly into an courtly persona, speaking in haughty tones. "Only a small handful of women are immune to my intimidation tactics."

"A small handful? That's good to know. I didn't want you to be upset when you found out about the large gathering of men I afford kissing privileges."

His lips seek mine again, silencing my words and turning my legs back into jelly. I nearly allow myself to melt against his lean torso, in the last instant finding the strength to push him regretfully away.

"I have to get back." I tell him, still a little short of breath.

"Are you going to bring me to meet Lara?"

Damn him. The man has focus, I'll give him that.

"I'll think about it." I acquiesce, moving towards the window to keep from discussing the matter any further. "Come find me after the announcement, I'll be by the West gate."

"All right." In a single long stride he is next to me, holding my hand as I step over the window ledge and out onto the grid on the other side.

I look down through the gridwork, orienting myself relative to Lara's flat before glancing back up at Will. He is studying me, his grey eyes flicking across my features. A moment later the side of his mouth is tilting up into a rueful grin and I am leaning across the divide, letting his hands further tangle my hair as I give myself one last taste of his mouth.

I pull away before I can be coerced into climbing back through the window. The grid flows fluidly below my feet, leading me a safe distance from his Will's hideout before I begin to descend.

The Wastelands (Part II of the Runner Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon