Its A Date pt 2

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Timeskip to a couple weeks after being asked to go on the date

Futakuchi: When do you wanna go on our date

Y/n: whenever you wanna go I'm free all week

Futakuchi: Ok I will pick you up friday at 5 ok

y/n: ok

everyone in the groupchat but y/n and Futakuchi 

Semi: I know where I fall short compared to Futakuchi

Kuroo: Bro what

Akaashi: yeah what do you mean by that

Oikawa: don't you even dare

Semi: I probably could be good as him I would like to show my power

Bokuto: your not gonna ruin their date are you

Semi: we will just have to see

Oikawa: you do it I will end you Semi Eita

Oikawa sent a message to Futakuchi and Y/n

Oikawa: Guys you two might be in danger

Futakuchi: what do you mean

Y/n: Don't tell it has to do with Semi

Futakuchi: he will have to deal with me before he even gets to you

Y/n: awe my knight and shining amor

Oikawa: girl ewwww your gonna make me sick


y/n,Futakuchi and Oikawa join back to the Groupchat of Drama

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y/n,Futakuchi and Oikawa join back to the Groupchat of Drama

Futakuchi: Hey Semi hope your ready cause your about to lose miserably

Semi: what are you talking about

Futakuchi: don't play dumb I know what you said Oikawa told me

Semi: of course that rich boy said something to you

Semi: y/n will be mine and I prove it to you

Futakuchi: you touch her your gonna have to deal with me

Akaashi: can you two please stop fighting over the poor girl

y/n: can you guys plz stop fighting Semi I am going on that date with Futakuchi and your gonna deal with it we started to become cool plz don't ruin it plz

Semi: you belong with me Y/n we dated for almost 2 years I know you better than anyone even better the Goshiki and Oikawa and their your best friends

Tendou: Semi bro you gotta calm down let the girl be happy if they end up together then let it happen if shit hits south then maybe go for it but let things happen man if you cared about her enough you would let her go

Kuroo: Semi pal don't make me have to fight you as well you seem like a pretty decent dude

Bokuto: if Kuroo jumpin in then so am I

Akaashi: I may just steal away from both of yall if you guys to calm tf down


I'm aware of stuff was said during a match and to another team but let poor Futakuchi fight for the girl he likes

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I'm aware of stuff was said during a match and to another team but let poor Futakuchi fight for the girl he likes

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