something sweet- aaron

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You'd been carefully watching Aaron from your desk, worried, knowing that he was sitting there rethinking everything that happened over the last few days, every decision he made and helped make- it was your least favourite part of completing a case, you had to try with all your might to not skip into his office and smooth that crease from between his brows.

You waited, admittedly impatiently for the team to pack up and leave so that you could do exactly that, fiddling with the wrapper of the candy bar you'd chosen from your secret third drawer stash, Morgan mocked the drawer, said that using candy to help you relax after a hard case was just an emotional crutch- Aaron, however, understood why you needed it and wasn't one to turn away from you bringing him a little snack. You lifted one hand in a gentle wave as JJ walked to the elevator, wishing you a good night and reminding you to get some rest before the doors closed behind her.

You didn't waste a second, looking around one last time to be sure you were alone before quickly sauntering to your partner's office, smiling knowing as he stood perched behind his desk, reading over the paperwork of the case, checking where he still needed to sign before going home, not that he was anywhere close to going home. He noticed you almost immediately, in fact, he'd noticed your longing stares from your desk and the way your legs shook under the desk too, ever impatient, especially for his attention.

"Hey, honey," he breathed not averting his attention from his work just yet, extending an arm, opening himself up so you can attach to his side, a familiar notion as your hand brushed across his chest, slipping under his tie, over his buttons, trying to calm him down without him noticing- failing terribly. "I'm fine," he began, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, melting at the sound of you humming in satisfaction, greedy still, wanting more, wanting him closer, as always, but satisfied with what he gave you. "I'm just tired, we had a long week."

"Well, I brought you something sweet," he looked up at that, hoping you realized the double meaning in your simple statement, the candy bar was not close to being the sweetest thing in the room.

"Thank you, sweetheart," he couldn't fight the soft tug at his lips, a threat of a smile yet not quite, he squeezed your body a little tighter, hand holding you a little closer, not wanting to let go even though he knew he should. "You done for the night?" you nodded against him, allowing your eyes to scan over the stack of papers on his desk, proof that he was asking more for himself than for you.

"You need any help?" you offered and he scoffed, the light kind, the loving kind. "I'm not really tired yet and I don't feel like going home to my empty apartment," you paused, knowing he'd know what you were truly implying, what you really wanted. "Plus, alone time in your office doing paperwork still counts as alone time."

"Hmm," his fingers brushed your chin, tilting your head to look at you and he couldn't fight the smile that met his lips this time, taking you in, looking you over, intoxicated. "We might get through it faster together and I don't have Jack this week so you can come to mine after," you nodded in agreement, happy that he didn't need much convincing, happy that you'd be getting not only a few more hours with him but a whole night after that as well.

"I'll go get us some coffee," you offered, moving to pull away but stopping, meeting Aaron's confused eyes with a quick kiss on his cheek before scurrying off, placing the candy bar on his desk with a knowing look as you did so.

You were humming lightly as you walked to the kitchen, not even noticing Spencer standing quite awkwardly at his desk, caught in a sort of daze with his bookbag over his shoulder and a large book in his hand, a smile on his face that would definitely have made your cheeks tinge with embarrassment.

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