Chapter - 1

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to say the war was disastrous , would be an understatement , it had nearly destroyed camp . when Percy saw his friends , the seven along with campers who he did not even recognized , get slaughtered before his eyes , anger made his blood boil , he felt helpless , he prayed to the gods that the one's who die in the war , get the path to Elysium . he silently prayed to his uncle Hades , who , was al least not as bad as the other gods , to guide the souls of the ones who had fallen . he realized that Gaia herself had appeared , he grabbed his sword and advanced towards her , with the intent to land a fatal blow , but sadly se was Immortal and his best option was to putt her back to sleep . he swung his blade at every monster that came his way or was within his reach , instantly turning them to dust . he hadn't felt such a rage in a very long time .

as he got close enough , he attacked Gaia with all his power , she dodged him and blocked all his blows . suddenly a pair of huge earthen hands appeared on either sided of his , grabbing him so that he was unable to move . Gaia spoke in a cold voice "look Perseus Jackson , look at the destruction "

Percy looked at the battle , tears filled his eyes , looking at all the dead half bloods , his heart ached for his half siblings , he then swore to avenge all of them.

as the remaining demigods , took care of the monsters , Gaia was having her little fun with Percy , trying to break him . finally , upon seeing tears in his eyes she laughed , he cold heartless laugh made Percy even angrier , he had had enough of her .

Percy , using all his power , broke through the hands , to face Gaia , who obviously hadn't expected him to do so , taking advantage of the surprise , he stabbed her with his sword , and using his powers , prevented Gaia from healing . Gaia who was too stunned to speak , only managed to curse under her breath before she fell to the ground . everyone in the battlefield was too stunned to speak and they all stared at Percy in shock .

he pulled out his sword " go back to sleep dirt face !"he said , before turning around to see the shocked , horrorstruck faces of demigods as well as monsters .

suddenly , Gaia said something softly enough for only Percy to hear " I'm sorry" she said, to which he turned around to se her laying on the ground , her divine blood had formed a pool around he , but what surprised him the most was that there were tears in her eyes , he was sure that this couldn't be real.

" I'm sorry Percy "she said , tears leaking out of her eyes , she sounded weak , almost fragile , despite whatever she had done , he couldn't help but feel a bit of pity towards her

"I never meant for any of this to happen , I never wanted to hurt anyone " she said sobbing

"I wasn't myself Percy , my demon had taken over " she said , her voice not filled with pain " I must thank you Percy , for getting rid of the demon within me , however now I must return , I've caused far too much damage already " she said , yet sobbing , " I wasn't your fault Gaia , the demon within you made you do this " Percy said softly to which she replied " come closer Percy , I do not have much time left " he stepped closed and came to one knee she put he palm on his forehead , which was accompanied by a rush of energy that wet through his body , healing all his wounds , filling all his scars that he had gotten from various battles .then she spoke " you have my blessing Perseus , promise me that you will protect him , and guide him " she said , in a painful voice , although he didn't understand what she meant by that , but he nodded , to which she disappeared . when he got up , he felt pain , like he was being stabbed continuously in every part of his body , he only remembered the faces of Nico , Annabeth , Will rushing towards him as he fell to the ground as the monsters fled .

a few days later

Percy woke up , feeling nauseous , he didn't know where he was and that was getting more frequent than he'd like . he suddenly remembered everything , the war , Gaia's promise , he thought to himself , what could've she possibly meant by that ?

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