Chapter - 5.

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as thunder boomed , we immediately pulled back and both flashed to the throne room , where everyone was already seated in their thrones , except Apollo , who went on and claimed his seat , which left me standing in the middle , all eyes on me

" Perseus Jackson ! " Zeus spoke

" we have witnesses you power as a demigod and it is only true that your powers as a god are way more than any of us Olympians " Athena spoke , with a slight bitterness in her voice

" so , we have decided that you can become a threat to Olympus if not contained " Zeus spoke

" we offer you two choices nephew " Hera said

" the first is that you become an Olympian " Poseidon spoke , his eyes had a pleading look in them

" the other one is that you be banished to Tartarus " Ares said , with a slight hesitation in his voice

as the name of Tartarus was spoken , the atmosphere of the room became cold ,

" which one do you choose ?" Athena spoke , a very serious voice , glaring at me

" Lords and Ladies . I pick the first choice , of becoming an Olympian " I said " however , I have a few conditions "

" fine , what are your conditions ?" Zeus said , in his usual ignorant voice

" first of all , I do not want any of the members to give up their seat on the council for me "

" already taken care of " zeus spoke

" then , I want you to release all the peaceful titans , which you promised to do after the war with your father , but haven't done it yet "I said , glaring at Zeus

" alright , I'll do it once you take your seat on the council "

"that's it , that's all I want "

zeus waved his hand and a throne appeared beside Apollo's , it just a regular sofa-chair , with a Pegasus above it and two swords were crossed , behind the winged horse

I went towards it and sat , with a snap of Zeus's fingers , several titans and Titaness's appeared in the middle of the room , all looking confused , when one of them spoke

" what is it you want Zeus !"

" mother , I have released you and the other peaceful titans " Zeus said , in a scared voice

" that doesn't seem like you , it can't be !" the Titaness spoke

my dad , hades , Hestia , Demeter ,Hera , even Zeus got up from their thrones and bowed to her , my dad ran to her and hugged her , followed by Hades and Hestia . I guess the Titaness must've been Rhea , judging by the soft sounds of 'mum' coming from them

then Artemis and Apollo got up and hugged Leto

rhea asked " who made Zeus release us , I'd like to personally thank them " , to which my dad's eyes filled with pride as he childishly pulled rhea and came to me , I got up and bowed to her as he spoke "mom , this is my son Perseus , your grandson , he is the one who gave up immortality to get all peaceful titans free " his voice , just like his eyes wire completely filled with pride , Zeus on the other hand looked dumbstruck , he did not expect things to go this way

" lady rhea " I acknowledged her , but she pulled me into a hug " aww , no formalities ! give granny a big hug now !"

to say I was shocked would be an understatement , I was literally hugging the mother of the gods , wow

then came the party , Olympian parties were nowhere near mortal parties , they lasted for weeks , this one was no exception .

the party had loads of wine , alcohol of all sorts , but mainly wine , there was nectar too , which again had wine in it , the party lasted for 13 days , everyone celebrated and enjoyed themselves , while I generally hate parties , I actually kinda liked this one , mainly because I hadn't seen my dad or any god so happy ever , they always seemed angry , annoyed , but not right now , even Dionysus was being nice to me , so was Athena , and well Artemis might've slipped a secret to some , that I was the most acceptable man ever and now , some minor gods were teasing me about being the only man that Artemis respects .even the gods of the seas and underworld were invited , though I tried to steer clear of my siblings , Triton and Kym

everything was going great and I stayed as away from alcohol as I could , when Apollo came to me , he was, well very drunk , along with him came a woman , who was so similar to the sun god in appearance , sh must've been Leto

" lady Leto , Lord Apollo " I greeted them , bowed my head

" no formalities Perseus " Leto spoke , her voice calming , gentle

" alright , call me Percy " I said

" I would like to thank you Percy for freeing me , for freeing us , we owe you "

" don't mention it Leto "

" alright , imma go now " Apollo said , as he walked away , after a nymph , I felt a burning pain in my heart as I saw him making out with the nymph , I balled my fists ,when I realized Leto was still here

" Percy "

" yes Ma'am "

"do you like my son ?"

" um , uh , I don't understand "

" I know you like Apollo "

" um , yeah , I guess "

" Percy , you must be careful , he's had a very complicated love life"

"I know , that's why I'm not going to go after him " I said dryly

" Percy , whatever you do is your choice , but I will not forgive you if you dare to hurt my son "

" it seems like we both want the same thing then " I chuckled , very dryly

" Percy , do not think of this so lightly "

I had had enough , enough of watching Apollo making out with that wretched nymph , to be truthful , I wasn't even listening to what Lady Leto was saying , something about hurting Apollo , my heart ached to see Apollo with her , a few tears trickled down my cheeks , after all he was a god and all the gods were the same , it was foolish of me to think that Apollo was any different , to think that after his time as Lester , he'd have changed , I could not bear it anymore , I tuned away and ran , ran as far away as I could from that party , Apollo seemed to notice my tears and my sudden running , he came after me , yelling my name , asking what happened , but I did not even want to see him , even Hestia , and Artemis seemed to notice and came running after me , but I wanted to see none of them , I wanted to be alone , I wanted to get as far away from Olympus as possible , so I flashed away .

Hestia POV

I was shocked to see , how selfless Percy was after he made it clear that he wanted none to give up their seat for him , even if he just asked , I would've gladly given up my seat for him , after all , he deserved it , more than anyone else .

when the party started , everything seemed fine , Dionysus was all drunk , so were the others , the only ones who didn't touch alcohol were Athena , Artemis , Percy and me . he was talking to Leto , when I saw tears trickling down his cheeks , heartbreak evident in his eyes , he started running away , noticing this I ran after him , so did Artemis . Apollo too , who was making out with a nymph , noticed him crying and ran after him , when he flashed away.

Artemis and Apollo ware in shock , as it took months for gods to use that ability , but percy had easily used it in his first try , well he was surely a quick learner .

I informed Zeus of him running away and he seemed a bit scared , he sent out search parties to find him and bring him back before Poseidon notices .The twin archers seemed concerned for him when I assured them that I will go find Percy , Apollo seemed relaxed and went back to making out with the nymph in his temple , Artemis however seemed concerned .

I searched all his favorite places , Camp , his mother's house , a park where he loved to go , but I couldn't find him , even Athena who was the wisdom goddess , couldn't find him .

the party was still going on in Olympus , but Poseidon seemed concerned about a Hurricane near Florida , so he sent Kymopoleia to take care of it . that is when I knew , where I had to go .

after Kymopoleia took care of the hurricane and guides it elsewhere , I felt a new presence , on I hadn't felt before , it was Percy's aura , only more violent and destructive . I felt it coming from an Island , not very far off the coast , when I tried to flash there , I couldn't , something was stopping me from going there , then I realized that Percy , being the god of Wizardry may have put a spell or something, I summoned Hecate to lift the barrier and that she did , before returning to the party .

After the barrier was removed , the aura became so strong that I would've nearly faded , if not for Artemis who was following me , she helped me by combining our auras and we flashed to the island .

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