Pilot 2

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After the blow out with Hakeem, Noami went back to the studio with Khalil but suddenly she
received a text from him.

Keem: please just come to my house around like 3. We gotta talk.

Nee-nee: about what?

Keem: ya father of course. Look just come over

Naomi rolls her eyes and left him on read. "So that's your brother" Khalil says awkwardly. Noami just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Yeah that's one of 'em" she answered. "Better than sisters. I have five sisters and I'm the only boy." Khalil says.

"Damn that's a lot" Noami says shocked."Heh. Well I gotta go I'm supposed to be meeting anika in like fifteen minutes. Will I see you more?" Khalil says grabbing her hand making her smile. She made a thinking face pretending to think about it. "Hmmm maybe you will maybe you won't" she says teasingly.

Khalil chuckled at this. "You funny. It was nice to meet you" he says before kissing the back of her hand again. "You too" she responds back smiling. Khalil gave her his last smile and left the studio.

"Damn that man is so fine...." She shook her head smiling as he walked away.


A few hours later Noami went to her brothers house as suggested."why am I here?" Noami says loudly but starts hearing grunts. "Uh Hakeem?" Noami says going towards the noise.

"Respect me!" Cookie yelled as she beat Hakeem with a broom. "Aye momma!" Noami says rushing to his aid. Noami quickly grabs the broom away from her angry mother.

"What's going on? Why are you hitting him?" Noami asks. "Boy acting like he ain't got no damn home training" cookie responds before walking out of his apartment, slamming the door in the process. "That's true" Noami agrees. "Man shut up" Hakeem says. "Alright now Don't make me hit ya ass with a broom. Mommy got you good" Noami points out, looking at the blood.

"How can you call her that?" Hakeem questions as Noami walks away to get him a rag for his face.
"Because she's our mother. She birthed us duh dumbass" Noami answers as she grabs a rag and wets it. "She's never been there for us" Hakeem points out.

What he said was true but it wasn't her fault. She would often ask when her mother was coming but growing up she just stopped asking. She got so busy with her music that she hasn't really been worried about her mother.

"She's still our mother Hakeem. The sooner you accept that the better." Noami says walking over and putting the rag on his wound. He hisses in pain and rolls his eyes. "Anyways why am I here?" Noami asks. "So sister of mine" Hakeem starts off but is cut off by his sister. "Don't try to butter me up. Now what you want" Noami says taking the rag from his wound. "I was thinking we can team up for the throne of empire" Hakeem says making Noami arch her eyebrow. "What makes your think I'd do that. Have you met yourself. I'll be saving myself a headache if I say no" Noami says shaking her head. "Wait just hear me out" Hakeem says.

"If we team up it will be easier getting rid of the others. Plus dad might just give you empire just because your the youngest." Hakeem proposes. "First off you sound like your planning on killing our siblings and secondly who's to say you won't stab me in the back and I highly doubt that" Noami says. "Your my little sister I wouldn't do that." Hakeem assured her. Though Noami had a weird feeling she shrugged it off.

"Hmmm I'll let you know and clean up in here it Smells like feet and ass" Noami says scrunching her face up as she walks out of his apartment.

Hakeem shook his head as he smiled. His plan is coming together already.


After having that talk with her brother it really made Noami think about it. Teaming up with Hakeem?? What's the worse that can happen? As she gets in her car she receives a call from her father. "Yeah dad" Noami says as she closes her car door. after tonight I need you to go somewhere" lucious says. "Okay what else is new" Noami mumbles as she begins driving. "Shut up little girl anyways I'll text you the place just be there" lucious says before hanging up. "Ugh I don't like people" Noami says as she drives home.

A few minutes later she gets to her fathers house and notices nobody is home. "Good" Noami says as she goes to her room and closes the door. Since nobody was home she decided to to just relax. Suddenly she gets a FaceTime call from somebody who she didn't recognize. "Hello?" She says in confusion. "Hey beautiful" a voice says making Noami look at the facetime call. It was Khalil.

"How did you get my number?" She asks smiling. "Anika of course" Khalil answers. "SoWhy did you call?" Noami questions as she lays on her bed. "Just wanted to hear that voice of yours plus I wanted to see if you would be down to collab" Khalil says as he sits on the couch. "A Collab huh? Yeah I'm down." Noami says liking the idea. "Are you tryna get me on your couch already?" Noami teases. "Shit is it working?" Khalil asks teasingly making Noami chuckle. "How about we start tomorrow?" Noami suggests. "You on my couch or the collab?" Khalil teases.

"Your stupid. The collab crazy" Noami  says laughing. "Alright cool." Khalil replies with a smile.

And for hours and hours they talked about anything and everything.


Noami walks into a club and spots her father and brother. As she pushes her way through the crowd she sees everyone dancing and having a great time. She goes up the stairs to go meet her family.

"You wanted to see me?" Hakeem asks as Noami comes in behind him. "How you like our new club?" Lucious asks. "It's all right/it's alright I guess" They both say. "I see you've met your mama." Lucious says looking at his sons busted up eye making Noami laugh and Hakeem roll his eyes. "Now I see why you kept me from her. She a psychotic animal, Dad." Hakeem says as they walk to the vip section. "Stop insulting your momma fool" Noami says hitting him upside his head. "I don't know that woman." Hakeem's ata making Noami shake her head.

"You're just like her. Naomi is more of a mixture of me and your mother" lucious says as they sit down. "Hurray?" Naomi says in confusion making lucious give her a look."You know, when, uh,  Cookie got sent away, the judge told us 30 years. Now, I was devastated." Lucious says. "Hold up how?" Noami says. "How what?" Lucious says sighing. "How were you devistated. I mean let's think about it. Your making money outside while she's in a dirty ass cell that probably smells like god knows what" Noami says causing Hakeem to face palm. Noami just loved to get on her dads nerves."Little girl" lucious warns making Noami cover her mouth. "Was I wrong?" Noami mumbles to herself.

"I didn't know nothing about raising y'all. Cookie did all of that. Anyway, Dottie came along, fell for me hard,  said she wanted to raise y'all.
You weren't even one yet. And Cookie didn't
want y'all visiting her in jail,  and that was fine with Dottie.  What I'm saying is...your mama wasn't a bad person. We just was in a real bad situation, you know." Lucious says looking at his two youngest.

"Whatever happened to Miss Dottie?" Noami asks curiously. "She got shot on 42nd and Walnut." Lucious says causing the two to give sad faces. Miss Dottie was the closest to a mother figure they got growing up. It's sad to see her go.

"You need to get your act together." Lucious says as Hakeem pulls his phone out. "I've been telling him that dad" Naomi says. "Shut up" Hakeem hisses. "Bro keep playing with me and I'll hit your ass with a dustpan" Naomi threatens. "Alright enough. You gonna pull out a phone when I'm talking to you? you're wasting your talents on bitches and booze." Lucious says queuing for a drink as a women comes by to give him one.

"Ain't that the truth. Don't be doing no types of work" Noami says agreeing. "You both ain't worked a day in your damn life, and you know that. You're spoiled. Both of you" lucious says looking at the two. "I ain't" Noami mumbles warning another look.

"But I got some new heat for you, some stuff that I wrote. We gonna go in and record it, and we gonna put some candy on this thing. You feel me? " lucious says making Hakeem and Naomi look at eachother. "Candy?" Hakeem questions. "I know this man didn't just say candy" Noami mumbles in disbelief. "What?" Lucious asks. "Dad don't nobody put candy on anything." Noami says looking at her father weird, causing Hakeem to laugh. "Both of you Shut the hell up" lucious says smiling.

Heyyyyyy so I know it's been a while buuuut writers block is no joke.

Comment what song they should do as a collab.




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