Ch 20 Developing Situations

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The auditorium they had us do our written exam in was huge! Though given the amount of UA hopefuls applying, it makes sense. And that's only counting the ones applying for the heroics course!

The exam was difficult, but not too hard. Midoriya gave me some study guides for every subject a while back which really helped with it. So with my written exam most likely passed, and my skills in hero/vigilante/villain work, I'm basically assured to get accepted.

The physical exam is today, so they've gathered everyone into a theater where they're going to explain it. On the stage is a skinny guy who's yellow hair curves back and upwards into spikes. I wonder if he's ever poked someone's eye out with it?

Nearby, I can hear Midoriya muttering about who the guy is. "Present mic. Quirk: Voice. Lets him increase the volume of his voice to nearly physical levels." I ignore the rest as he goes into his fanboy mode. Though he's been getting better at keeping it from getting excessive.

Makes sense that they would have someone loud explaining everything. Though they probably could have just given someone else a microphone. I wonder if UA is just trying to save some Yen?

"Hello UA candidates! Let's hear some noise!" He puts a hand over his ear, but doesn't get the response he wanted.


Unfettered, he continues. "Keeping it mellow, that's fine. But keep your ears open to hear what you need to do! ARE YOU READY!?" This time a quiet 'yeah' goes through the crowd, and his smile widens.

He goes on to explain how it works. Apparently there are seven 'battle centers' where we'll be conducting mock battles against robots. There are three types of robots, each worth different points, though they only go up to three.

So I can either go for quantity ,focusing on the one point robots, or go for quality with my main focus being on the three points. I won't ignore the two pointers of course, but I have to think about what would impress the people watching the most.

I listen as he tells us not to attack the other applicants, and I can't help but snort. No duh. This is a hero school. Of course you shouldn't be attacking the other applicants! After all, on the streets heroes who attack each other go for the kill when they go after a rival.

Admittedly it doesn't happen often, but I have come across some of the attacks. When I do, if I don't care about the hero being attacked, I'll flip a coin on whether or not I'll interfere. If I get involved, I'll kill the attacker. If not, I'll put them on my litter list to deal with later. If the people getting attacked didn't throw a fit when I save them, I'd probably get involved every time.

Seriously, quit complaining! They were trying to kill you! Get on your knees and thank me for saving you! Ungrateful assholes. They aren't all like that of course, but I have a limit to the amount of stupidity I can deal with in a week.

Suddenly, a guy with dark blue hair and glasses stands with his hand raised. Apparently he has an issue with the handouts we were given, with four enemies being listed instead of the three the hero told us about. Is he seriously trying to badmouth the most famous school in the world? You've got to admire the nerve on this guy, at least.

Then he turns around and points at... Midoriya? "You with the unkempt hair. You've been muttering the entire time. If you can't be bothered to take this seriously, then leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

I can't help but chuckles that escape at his shocked look. Someone got in trouble~. Ooh, but Mister Serious should have definitely rephrased part of that...

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