Ch 72 Surprise, It's-a Me!

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The heroes all watch in shock as the gun is fired, as the bullet hits its target.

As Overhaul stumbles forward, dropping Eri from his arms at how unexpected it is.

Slowly, he turns, staring at his right hand man with wide eyes. Nemoto chuckles, his shoulders shaking as he clearly fights to hold back from full-blown laughter. A fight he loses as he throws his head back, his cackling echoing throughout the space.

"Oh my god! You should see your face! Even with only your eyes being visible, it's hilarious!" His cackling quiets into maniacal giggling and I scowl at 'him'.

"Really, Hi-Yellow?" I quickly change how I call them. Himiko isn't directly on the heroes' radars, so it's better not to put her there by letting her real name slip. "Why didn't you do that earlier!? Do you have any idea how worried I was when we found all that blood in Eri's room!"

The disguised Himiko crosses their arms like a petulant child as she pouts at me. But before she can explain herself Overhaul lunges at her with a cry of rage, his hand brushing against her disguised body, and it explodes!

...Into clumps of dried sludge.

She takes a few hops back as she covers herself with both arms, her body wriggling. "Oh my, Eraserhead! I didn't know you were that kind of person. Especially in public!" She tilts her head as she looks at me. "But Catia, I thought you said that Midnight is the pervert?"

I just let my head fall into my hands...paws, even while Eraserhead's scarf completes its journey and traps Overhaul. "Please just change into someone wearing clothes." So much for not letting the heroes be able to target her. With her face known there's no way they aren't going to find her record.

She shrugs, twirling forward around the trapped Overhaul and to the bag lying on the floor. Unzipping it reveals a shocking sight for the heroes and Overhaul, who turns his wide-eyed stare at the noise. Somehow they manage to widen even more when he sees the contents. But the moment I realized that Himiko had disguised herself, I had a suspicion about what was in it.

Himiko pulls the bloodied coat off of Shin Nemoto's corpse, uncaring of the partially-dried blood that stains her skin as she dons it and gives another twirl. "Well? How do I look?"

The coat does cover up the important bits, but the copious amount of cuts throughout show off a considerable amount of her skin. I roll my eyes, not bothering to answer even as we all start to make our way towards the three of them. Though the heroes are understandably cautious.

Caution that's misplaced, as they haven't earned the enmity of the vindictive blood-sucker in front of them.

"What...what did you do to me?" Overhaul asks as he grabs fruitlessly at the scarf tying his arms to his side.

"I'm erasing your quirk, so there's no way you'll be escaping, Overhaul." Eraserhead states bluntly, his glowing eyes and floating hair being just as intimidating as usual. But Himiko's giggle draws the heroes' attention, even as Lemillion drops from the ceiling and goes to Eri, taking her into his arms and trying to comfort her, though she still refuses to look up.

"You don't need to do that, Mr. Scary Eyes." She wiggles the gun carelessly, unconcerned with how everyone tenses up. "He did manage to make one of the finished product, after all."

"No... You didn't." Overhaul stares at her with mounting horror as the realization hits him. The heroes are only a few seconds behind as their eyes widen and they appraise him with a new look in their eyes.

She giggles again, popping the clip out of the gun and waving it so we can all see how it's empty. "Had to wait for the perfect moment to hit you with it, couldn't risk you raising a wall to block it or something."

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