Christmas Special: How They Met

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"So why the secrecy on where we're going?" I ask Nekomura. We've only known each other for a couple of years, ever since I rescued her from that fake hero, but we've gotten pretty close. Enough for first names according to Japan's culture. But I don't really like calling people by their last names all the time. Especially when there are two people from the same family around!

Much easier just to use everyone's first name like they do back home!

It's not your home anymore...

I ignore that thought. Mean thoughts aren't worth giving a second thought to! They aren't even worth the first thought, but they somehow wormed their way in there!

"Well," Nekomura starts with a cat-like grin. Hey! That's my thing! "I figured that you could use a nice surprise with how hard you've been working to help people."

I roll my eyes at that. "You've been helping people just as much as I have. More even, since you take care of helping them get home and stuff!"

After the ordeal with her manager and the fake hero, Nekomura quit her music business. A few days later her manager was found dead. No idea how, but Nekomura told me that he had blood leaking from his eyes, nose, and ears. Scary!

It's a good thing she quit when she did, or else whoever got her manager might have gotten her too!

She waves my counter argument off. "That's just minor stuff. While I'm taking people home, you keep running through the city dealing with bad guys! Saving more people! Making sure everything is even safer!" She shadow boxes a bit at each thing I do while she's making sure the latest person we saved gets home ok.

Honestly, it feels like she has...what's it called? Red-tinted glasses? Something like that. But it's like she thinks we're some kind of super spies protecting the world from devastation.

Really. There's no way we wouldn't have been caught if that nice lady hadn't started helping us. Not with actually helping us to fight people, but by making sure the heroes or police don't catch us!

Like the first time we ran into her, she hid us in a dumpster and told the hero chasing us that we went in another direction! Then after she pulled us out she explained that wearing costumes over regular clothes would mean we can look like completely different people to whoever's chasing us! Not to mention how important masks are in making sure that they can't find us just by looking at cameras and looking us up online!

I didn't even know you could find someone online! Just famous people!

She even got us a place to use as a secret base where we sometimes sleep at! Whenever that happens we just tell the people taking care of us that we're sleeping over at each others' houses. Since none of them have each other's phone numbers, it's the purr-fect trick!

Nekomura's cat puns have been rubbing off on me a bit. But I don't make them very often. On one hand, they fit with me being a cat. On the other I feel like people might get annoyed if I make them too often. Oh well. I can always just stop making them if I get worried. It's not like I need to make cat puns.

"So what's the surprise?" I lean sideways while peering at her, my tail flickering excitedly behind me. I like surprises!

But instead of answering she just rolls her eyes. "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise!" She wags her finger at me with a superior look while I pout at her. I mean, she's not wrong. But I want to know! I inherited the curiosity of a cat!

Which is why, when I hear shouting coming from down an alley, I immediately run down it, quickly followed by Nekomura who shouts in surprise but doesn't try to stop me.

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