Chapter 5

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I was walking to my Calculus class after skipping German because I couldn't care less about learning a new language when a hand pulled me into a janitor's closet.

And by the time I recovered from the shock, I found myself in a cramped space with Emery's boyfriend from the night before.

What the hell?

"I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm not interested in helping you cheat on Emery." I said, moving away from him.

When I locked gazes with him, all I found was disdain and disgust in his eyes, which meant he probably didn't want to have sex with me.

Okay, if he didn't want to cheat on Emery with me, what did he want? And why was he looking at me like he wasn't the one who pulled me into a janitor's closet?

"I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole." He said in a solemn tone that would have sounded believable if the idiot hadn't just grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a janitor's closet.

"So what the hell do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.


"Can you speak clearly? I don't have all day." I asked impatiently, because the disdain on his face was pissing me off.

"Don't pretend. You're my true mate, and I want us to complete the rejection spell." He said the words 'true mate' as though they were the most disgusting words he'd ever been forced to say.

His words startled me and the first question that came to my mind was, 'someone like me also had a true mate?'

"Don't give excuses. I would rather die than mate with a woman like you!" He grumbled.

I looked at him from head to toe silently while wondering what made the idiot think I even wanted a mate? But I endured my annoyance and asked, "What's your name? Let's complete the spell quickly. My full name is Nina Oisin."

"Kyle Eden—"

"Okay. Kyle Eden, I, Nina Oisin, reject you as my true mate now and forever. That's how it's said, right?"

He nodded with a surprised look on his face. He probably didn't expect me to have rejected him so quickly.

"I think so. I think all we have to do is intend to reject each other. There are no specific rejection words." He said.

I nodded impatiently, "Whatever. Can you say it back? I have calculus and because of you, I'm going to be late."

He stared at me for a few seconds and must have seen the firmness in my eyes because he said the words, "I, Kyle Eden, reject you Nina Oisin as my true mate now and . . . forever."

I was going to nod in approval, but a sharp pain filled my chest like I was stabbed. It faded immediately but was followed by the feeling of a connection between Emery's boyfriend and me breaking.

A few seconds later, as I was trying to understand what I'd just felt, Kyle's voice broke into the haze of my pondering mind. "I guess it worked. You're not as bad as I thought. Can you not tell Emery about this?"

I shook the haziness away and nodded indifferently.

I didn't want Emery to think I was trying to steal her boyfriend, so it was also in my best interests that she never found out that I was Kyle's true mate, rejected or not.

Only the goddess knew what kind of person she would turn out to be underneath that fake meek daughter front she put up with her parents.

With parents like the Browns, it was probably nothing good.

I stood there for an extra minute after Kyle left before I also left the closet.


"Who the hell are you, and what do you want?" I growled.

Why were people pulling me into janitor's closets today? There were only 25 minutes until the end of lunch break and I was hungry.

And worse than that Kyle guy, the guy who pulled me into the janitor's closet, just looked like a lecher with the creepy way he was leering at me.

"Hi, I'm Liam Willow, son of the Alpha of the Willow pack. I know who you are, Nina Oisin." He said, flashing me a flirtatious grin that would probably look charming to a reptile.

"Congratulations. I don't know who you are and I don't give a fuck who you are."

"So you're not afraid I'll expose your identity as one of the women just released from Lord Westhouse's trafficking organization?" He asked.

"Are you here to blackmail me based on that? Because if so, it won't work. I'm fully prepared for when people know the truth." I replied with a nonchalant smile, even though I wanted to cuss.

I had really hoped I could enjoy at least two weeks of peace before some busybody, who thought real life was like gossip girl, told everyone who I was.

The idiot moved closer, backing me up against the wall. "But that's not why I'm here. I saw you walk into this very janitor's closet with Kyle Eden, the son of the Alpha of the Eden pack, and the mate of Emery Brown, the girl whose parents are fostering you."

I was startled into locking gazes with him.

"Now you have two options. Option one: date me. I don't mean seriously date me. Just sleep with me until I'm tired of you and I won't tell Emery. I've never dated a girl who can pretend to be a guy so well that some of the female students in school even think she's hot. And I don't mind trying out being with a girl like that."

"What's the second option?" I glared at him, trying to tell him with my eyes that I'd rather roll in shit than have sex with him.

"Of course, I will tell Emery and I assure you that contrary to her pretentious innocent bunny demeanor, she's no easy person to deal with." He paused, gazing at me and obviously seeing my strong desire to pulverize him to nothing.

If only he knew how the part of me that loved violence was telling me to kill him here and now. Whispering about how nobody would ever even know that I'd killed him.

"I don't know why you're so disagreeable about this. You definitely did worse things in that trafficker's den." He smirked and moved closer to say in a whisper, "I heard they train women to be skilled prostitutes in those camps? Don't you want to show me some of your skills?"

"Do whatever you want!" I shouldered past him, walking out of the janitor's closet without caring if anyone saw me or not.

If I stayed there for an extra minute, he might really die without knowing how he died.

And I didn't want any more blood on my hands.

I knew I was a murderer, and I knew I would never pay for the three people I'd murdered because nobody could trace their deaths to me. But I wasn't planning to add more bodies to my already existing number of murder victims.

Who Wants a Broken Mate? (The Fae Omegas, #4) [SAMPLE]Where stories live. Discover now