Chapter 7

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"Nina, do you know why I called you here?"

"No, ma'am."

"Well, I've been getting complaints about you from pack members."

I looked at my Luna, who should have been an actress, but somehow ended up taking the full-time job of 'pack Luna'.

Even though pack members cussed at me, bullied me, and spoke rudely to me, I knew most of them would never go to the Luna to 'complain' about me because they knew that my presence in their pack was linked to the Supernatural Council.

So the 'pack members' in my Luna's mouth had to be none other than 'Mrs. Brown' or Emery Brown.

Sure enough, she revealed the culprit in her next few statements. "I also heard that you threatened Emery Brown, the daughter of the family so kindly fostering you and that you tried to seduce her future mate, Kyle Eden."

"I can explain everything," I said.

"Go on." She said.

"Someone saw me speaking to Kyle and threatened me. When I refused his offer, he told Emery about it. Emery retaliated by giving away my identity to everyone in Caister high school. Then she came to me with her 'friend' from the Eden pack and when they wanted to try some funny stuff, I simply warned them that I believed strongly in retaliation and I could get thrown under a bus just for a little 'revenge' any day anytime."

She looked taken aback by the last statement I added to my answer, but she recovered and said with a nod, "I see."

"Yes, and I also need to report the Brown family to you, Luna. I'm not sure how much allowance the Browns are receiving for my upkeep from the Supernatural Council? I've been gathering evidence, and I would like to ask you to please give Mrs. Brown a fair warning. If the food she continues to provide remains so subpar and little, I wouldn't mind sending evidence straight to the Supernatural Council social worker in charge of my case. I'm sure she can find a better and kinder foster family for me."

She seemed taken aback by my words, but she still smiled as she said, "Alright, I will inform Mrs. Brown about your . . . opinions."

Even though she tried to conceal it, I could hear the gloating in her voice toward her well-known 'best friend' in the pack.

"I've been hearing great feedback from Valerie in the cafeteria kitchen about you, so that makes me happy. How is your brother doing and how is school going for him?"

"He's fine, thank you, Luna."

"Oh great. How have you been acclimating to life in the pack? You've been here for a month now?"

"Three weeks. And it's okay."

"Good . . . Good. Let's stop here today. I'll let you know if I have any other concerns to address with you later. As for today, I think you need to get to your Saturday duties, yes?"

"Yes, Luna." I sent a fake smile her way, said goodbye, and walked away with a blank face.

But on my way out, I met the future Alpha of the Crescent pack, Madden Crescent. I'd heard about him since I got to the pack, mostly in passing. After all, he was the most sought-after senior in Caister high school. And there was a good reason for that because he was incredibly handsome with intense coffee brown eyes and high cheekbones which I only saw briefly before he turned away leaving me with the sight of his chiseled jaws, the dark earring on his left ear, and his dyed blonde hair with black roots.

With the way he was dressed in a body-hugging tank top tucked into jeans, I could see his wide shoulders, six-pack, narrow waist, and muscly arms, which would leave even the purest of girls breathless. With his height of about 5'11" or 6'0", there was no doubt that Kyle couldn't compete with him in terms of looks and figure.

And he probably knew that as well, given his reputation for frequently switching romantic partners every month. Despite this, nearly every girl still held out hope to be the one he would choose when he moved on from his current girlfriend.

"Hey, who are you?" He asked, blocking the exit and stopping me from walking out the door like I really wanted.

"Nina. I am a pack omega here to see the Luna."

"Isn't this Nina Oisin, the girl who has been making a lot of trouble in our school?" The girl he was holding hands with was the first to recognize me.

"Oh! The prostitute from the Westhouse trafficking organization?" He asked.

As soon as I heard that, I turned to glare at the stupid Alpha's son and the girl with him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I touch a nerve, Nina?" He said in a rhyming tone that made me want to rub his face and the smirk on it on the wall.

Great! The future Alpha of the Crescent pack was an absolute douchebag.

I just didn't understand why we'd just met for a few minutes and he was already attacking me verbally. But instead of wasting my precious time dealing with him, I walked away to get started with my Saturday morning and afternoon cafeteria duties.

And soon enough I'd forgotten all about a certain snooty future Alpha as I considered once again the idea of getting a job and how I would fit the new job with all my pack duties and school.

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