Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey Guys! Hope you are all doing well. This is the third chapter. Sorry, if the time differences regarding America, or any of the other countries mentioned are wrong. Apologise in advance if any other information is wrong. (As I've said, I've never been to the US so I don't know how the Airport/Departure/Stop Over system works.

Hope you like this one! Enjoy!


©2012 Neroli Laverack


Running around my apartment I was grabbing everything I needed. I did make a list that was short and basically the essentials but eventually I started making excuses to bring more stuff; ‘Oh I might need my big woollen trench coat in case there is a snap freeze’ or ‘oh one more pair of underpants, just in case.’ I am now thirty-two pairs of underwear later with three suitcases, I know. A lot right? But I’m a girl, I need the essentials. So sue me. Once I zipped up all of my bags, I quickly made sure I had everything. Passport? Check. Toiletries? Check. Underwear? Double check. Looking at the list that I created last night and then some, I felt like I was done. Switching lights and power points off was a must as I had a tendency to forget. Didn’t want to come home and find myself with a hefty electric bill.

I managed to get a few hours’ sleep last night, since I was up for most of it packing. I only had six hours to pack. I think I did a pretty good job since I was up and dressed before five-thirty as my flight to Australia leaves at nine-thirty. I’d be leaving in the next ten minutes. Ticking the rest of my stuff off the list, I nodded in acceptance. Just as I was about to grab my keys and my laptop bag, I got a call from Lillian saying I needed to finish off the last of the contracts and documents for two clients that needed to be finished in the next three days. I said I’d finish that as quickly as possible. Lillian wished me a good trip home and she’d contact me later on in the week. Putting my phone back in my carry on, I shot a quick glance around my apartment, saying a silent goodbye.

Glancing at my watch it was time to go, dragging my suitcases down the hallway of my small but cosy apartment; I turned the key to lock the door and headed down the corridor to the elevator. I knew there was a taxi waiting for me since I’d sent for one fifteen minutes ago. I was organised alright. Pressing the button for the lobby, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit of excitement. I was finally going home – albeit, not in the best circumstances – but nonetheless, I was excited. I was finally returning home after nearly three years away. Seeing my family will be the best feeling ever. I missed them very much.

I was brought out of my excitement, when the elevator doors opened and Jerry, the lobby doorman (we’d become friends over the three years since I’d moved in), stood there in his uniform greeting me with a smile and a polite humble, “Good Morning Louise, It is an early one for you today isn’t it? Lillian must be working you pretty hard.” his voice reminded me of Mufasa off The Lion King, deep, wise and husky.

“Hey Jerry!” I exclaimed while placing my suitcases on the trolley, I was so thankful I didn’t have to carry them any further. ”No actually, I am going back home for a little bit.”

“Oh? Really? How long will you be going for?

“Three weeks at the moment, depends on the family situation and Lillian, of course.”

Jerry nodded in understanding, “Ah, family. I understand completely,” while grabbing my last case that was hanging from my arms, he swung it on the trolley. I nodded in thanks. “Well, I hope you have a fantastic time back home, and I will look forward to seeing you again soon.”

I forced a smile on my face, knowing that with the way Charlie was speaking yesterday, I don’t think I’ll be having a ‘fantastic’ time at home. “Thanks, Jerry; I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Take care.” I kissed his cheek as a goodbye.

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