Chapter 4

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©2012 Neroli Laverack


Before I knew it, I was landing at Sydney International Airport. Walking to the luggage claim, I spotted some of my bags. It took me nearly twenty minutes to locate my main suitcase. It kind of made me think whether I packed too much? Nah, a lady never knows what she might need! I had a quick glance over my shoulder to see if I could spot Charlie, to no avail. As I turned back around I spotted a little green and yellow bag with a red bow on the handle coming out of the shoot, yes, I said silently to myself. I scuttled towards it with my other bags in tow, I then picked up my small travel satchel and swung it under my arm, not seeing how close the woman was next to me and I hit her in the head.

“Oh my, I’m sorry!” I yelled, pretty sure I broadcasted it to the whole airport.

I dropped my luggage and took a step toward the women and extended out my arms. I don’t know why I did that, it’s not like I was going to give her a hug or anything. The lady started to rub her golden brown hair, I recognised her from my flight; she sat in the row near the toilet. Ha-ha, I chuckled at the little comment I made the first time I saw her sitting there, when I was heading to the toilet. The lady would be in her mid-thirties, she had a small frame with long tanned legs, wrapped around her thighs was a velvet charcoal skirt and she wore a beautiful pleated blouse; hanging off her neck was a chunky metallic necklace and on her ring finger was a massive rock – basically, she was dripping in wealth.

 “Oh that’s alright, my fault, I sometimes invade other people’s personal space, I am sure I popped your bubble a while back.” She chuckled and smiled politely. Her sweet voice and velvet laugh had an Aussie twang to it and it left me soothed. I swivelled around pulling all focus on the many people moving in my line of sight, where could she be?

I then felt a tap on my shoulder and the lady I hit moments ago started talking again,

“I hope you don’t mind me saying but your hair is simply gorgeous, the colour is so eye-popping and fresh!” She started demonstrating with her own. She loved how my hair flowed from my fringe to my back with a little flick at the bottom where my hair stopped towards the small of my back. Plus, I think she liked the colour of my hair - a bright aurburn colour. Orange, some people might say - but it was a nice shade of orange. I liked it.

“Well thank you, your hair looks really lovely as well!” I gave a huge smile, I can’t believe I just gave her a rebound compliment; I am not the kind of person who can take approval of looks well.

The lady then gave a quick smile and turned, holding her Gucci baggage and glided away.

I continued on my search for my sister, stopping to crane my neck to see above the overly tall men. I dropped all of my bags and riffled around in my laptop case to try and find my iPhone. I was about to ring Charlie when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw the bright, sparkling blue eyes of my eldest sister with a huge, beaming smile on her face. Shocked for a second, I stared at her with wide eyes before I immediately wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug. Charlie and I squealed in delight, jumping on the spot.

When our squealing and jumping stopped, I stepped back and grabbed her by the shoulders, looking her up and down. I haven’t seen my sister in three years and she has changed quite a bit. Charlie had lost about ten kilos, mostly around the face and waist area. Charlie has a nice curvy figure and she wore a short red skirt on with a white tank top and a grey jacket over top with silver studs. Her hair hung around her face and she had her fringe up in a high poof, it used to be the same colour as mine but constant dying and bleaching has turned it to a subtle reddish brown. Charlie’s face always looked vibrant and youthful, her makeup was never over the top although she did have red juicy lip gloss on but that was so main-stream for her.

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