Chapter 27 - Feelings

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When Nanmei saw Suzuka's attire, she didn't even need to ask what had happened. "That bad, huh?"

"I wouldn't say it was bad," Suzuka replied, sitting down next to Nanmei. "Rather than 'that bad,' I'd say 'that much?'"

Nanmei smirked. "You'll probably need a while to recover from that, huh?"

Suzuka nodded. "Maybe I can come over Sunday? Though, if you don't want to see my body covered in Harumi's marks, you'll have to wait a week."

Nanmei thought it over. "It's probably worth waiting if it means seeing your flawless skin that Asahi is so fond of."

"My skin can't compare to Harumi's. Anyway, next Sunday? I should be healed by then."

Nanmei nodded. "I'll try to wait patiently until then."

"Even though you might have to wait for that, you don't have to wait to call me your lover," Suzuka said carefully. "As long as you can say, out loud, clearly, that you love me, we can make it official."

"Huh? That's it?"

Suzuka nodded, staring at Nanmei innocently.

Nanmei used both of her hands to lift Suzuka's left hand, squeezing it gently. "Suzuka. I love you."

Suzuka couldn't help but giggle. "So different from Asahi! But, this is fine, too. I love you, Nanmei."

Nanmei averted her gaze, a bit bashful. "And now we're lovers?"

"We probably already were. The other three of us have basically been treating it as a done deal, after all." Suzuka smiled warmly and squeezed Nanmei's hand. "I'll definitely give myself to you in the future. One of those spots is reserved for you, don't worry."

Nanmei couldn't help running her gaze down Suzuka's body, gulping. She raised a hand to Suzuka's chin and tilted the human's face towards herself. She glanced at Suzuka's lips, then looked expectantly into Suzuka's eyes.

"You don't need permission," Suzuka teased.

Nanmei didn't hesitate any longer, kissing Suzuka.

Nanmei's kisses tended to be shorter than the other girls'. Suzuka knew why and rose to her feet, giggling.

"I'll let you calm down before class," she teased, casting a meaningful glance towards Nanmei's lap before taking her leave.

She had some time before class started, so she joined up with Harumi and Harumi's friends.

The people in the class knew why Suzuka had left the previous day. Even the ones who didn't could guess when they saw Harumi's third tail. The reason why Suzuka wore a turtleneck and tights didn't escape any of them, but they tactfully decided not to mention it.

"Suzuka, could you give me some advice on my writing?" Ayame asked. "While things are still fresh in your mind and all."

"I have no plans," Suzuka replied, nodding. She bit her lip. "Though, if you want me to come over... I'm still a bit shy about Hikari."

"She also wants to avoid you, so it's fine," Ayame replied lightly. "If I tell her you're coming over, she'll make an excuse to go into town."

"Mm, then that's okay, I guess."

They didn't have long to chat before class started.

After school, Suzuka met up with Ayame and headed towards the lamia's residence.

"I heard you're all sexed out," Ayame said with a straight face. "What's that feel like?"

Suzuka was used to Ayame asking extremely intimate questions with ease, but she still wasn't used to answering them. "Um, I guess it's like shopping while full. You can see foods you like and know you like them, but without hunger, you're not motivated to take them. Or when you're full and see something that you want to eat, but know it's a bad idea and decide not to. I see all the cute girls and know they're cute, but even if my mind starts thinking about doing things with them, my body reminds me that I shouldn't."

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