Chapter 35 - Reception

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The group relocated to a traditional hotel near the shrine. Everyone came up one by one to give their congratulations to the new brides while others ate. Harumi kept her tails wrapped possessively around Suzuka. Some of them brought gifts, which the two accepted.

Mika approached them. She held a small red ball in her fingers. She raised it to Suzuka's mouth and pressed lightly. Suzuka obediently opened her mouth and ate whatever it was. She trusted Mika, and the previous pills had all been very useful.

Harumi understood, her expression lighting up. Her tails began wagging, thumping against Suzuka's body repeatedly. She rubbed Mika's head. "Thank you, Mika!"

"I wish you a long and happy marriage," Mika said softly before strolling away.

"What was that?" Suzuka asked, feeling tingles spread through her body.

"The best gift I could ask for," Harumi replied, still beaming.

Suzuka could easily imagine what would count as a gift to Harumi. "Longevity medicine?"


Suzuka felt a little strange about having her lifespan increased without her consent, but she would have consented anyway. She knew how much Harumi wanted it, and she also wanted to spend a long time with Harumi.

The guests continued flowing. Suzuka couldn't possibly remember all of their names.

Fuyumi came up to them, joined by a male gumiho with silver hair. He had six tails, one less than Fuyumi. He exuded handsomeness, but it didn't affect Suzuka.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Suzuka," he said with a kind smile. "I'm Nae Hye, Harumi's father."

"Nice to meet you, um, F-Father," Suzuka said, flustered. She never thought she'd have to say those words.

He stroked his chin while examining her. "So this is the person my daughter chose. Interesting. Very interesting."

Fuyumi asked, "Suzuka, would you like oyakodon?"

Suzuka's eyes went wide and she recoiled in shock. "What?!"

"You hardly ate anything, I figured you'd be hungry," Fuyumi said, offering a bowl of rice, egg, and chicken.

Suzuka blinked, then sighed. "Geez! Don't be so misleading! Did you prepare that just to tease me?"

Everyone else laughed at her. Suzuka reluctantly accepted the food.

Suzuka glanced between the two foxes. "Harumi really only takes after her mother, huh?"

"That's normal," Nae Hye explained. "Offspring of kitsune and gumiho generally resemble their kitsune side early in life, but they grow more gumiho-like as they develop."

Suzuka gulped and glanced at Harumi. In the future, Harumi would have an even stronger sex appeal? How would she ever be able to control herself, faced with that?

"You'll see what I mean when you meet your new sister," Nae Hye said.


Fuyumi giggled. "Did you think I only had one daughter in all my years of life?"

"We're very different," Harumi said. "Personality wise."

Suzuka tried to imagine someone the opposite of Harumi. Forceful, cruel, cold, but submissive... "Maybe I was too hasty with my quotas."

"Suzu," Harumi whined. "Be loyal."

"I'm just kidding," Suzuka said with a laugh. "She's my sister too now."

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