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I threw the envelope across the room angrily..

I didn't know why I felt this way.. but I knew it was going to be very hard to find someone as smart, as responsible, as competent and as ... beautiful as Lana

I had gotten so used to having her by my side that the thought of her leaving never crossed my mind

The thought of her leaving made me feel in a way I couldn't explain

Everyone thought that, I had simple met and liked Lana personally when I met her in the interview but they were all wrong even Lana didn't remember that we had met before

I had been age eighteen when my dad had passed away and it had hit me hard because I had always been closer to my dad

I had skipped school that day and went driving around until I got to a place I didn't even know..

I got out of the car and walked into the closest store to get something to eat but once I was in, I found that I didn't even have the appetite to eat. So I picked up an ice cream and went to pay, only to find that I had left my wallet in the car

The embarrassment

I looked up to tell the cashier to give me a minute and that was how I came face to face with a beautiful woman who looked too tired

I had been sad but somehow I still felt pity for the lady... I thought, 'oh she must be having a hard time like me too'

" I'm sorry, I left my wallet in the car. Can you give me a minute" I said getting her attention

When she realized that a customer stood before her, she put on a smile on her face and took one look at me before saying

"You can have the it.. on the house" she said cheerfully, you would think I had imagined her being so tired just seconds ago

"But-" I tried to reason but she shook her head, still with that smile

"Keep it and maybe just smile a little? I will accept that as payment" she said  smiling at me

Her cheerfulness was contagious.. and I had surprised myself by smiling slightly

"There you go.. thank you for the payment.have a good day" she said... it was almost as though she could sense that I was also in a dark place

After I left that day, I had her on my mind and later found out that she was Lana West and had also lost both her parents that year..

I had gone back after high school graduation to see her in that same store since I still remembered her every once in a while but she had left the store and I had thought that maybe that was how our fate was meant to be

But after I took over my dad's position, I began to change assistants like clothes and I had finally had it with them all when the thought of her had crossed my mind again

So I asked my best friend Cameron who was now CFO to help me search her up again and send her an interview invite.. and that was how Lana got to be one of the interviewees.. no one had known except I and Cameroon

I had gotten so attached to her in the past five years and her leaving now was like someone waking me up from a beautiful dream into a nightmare

I knew I had at a point started crushing on her but I never wanted to associate my professional life with my personal life.. so I had stayed away

Not only was Lana competent at all she does but she  was also drop dead gorgeous

Everyone saw her beauty except her.. she had all the endowment in the right portions and her ass... fuck, it could make a man's day

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