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And so another day was coming to an end with me still being a coward

The good news however was that we were able to strike the deal we had come here for

Most part of our day was spent at Santos Tech and the only reason we had a hard time getting the deal back in California was because Mr Santos wanted to see with his own eyes how efficient Atlas could be after all he had heard about him and as always Atlas didn't disappoint

We got back home after relaying the good news to Mr Romeo who jokingly suggested we throw a party as a way to celebrate, of course Atlas shut his idea down immediately

We still hadn't spoken about anything but work, it was more than obvious now that he had decided to leave me alone just as I had requested in the beginning, only now it wasn't what I wanted anymore

I was laying on my bed unable to sleep because of a certain someone on my mind when it suddenly started raining

I gasp, my mind immediately going to Atlas

My mind had been so focused on what was going on between us that I had forgotten to check the weather forecast

I felt so relieved however that it began to rain while we were already home

What if it had happened when we were leaving this morning or while we were still out??

I didn't want to think of it

How was Atlas feeling now?, I wondered

I decided to brave it up and go check on him

Still in my pajamas which consisted of a soft cotton shorts and shirt, I walked up to Atlas's door

I knocked, then I knocked again and again and again

But there never came a response.

I took a minute to ponder on whether to open the door or not but I went with the latter and opened it only to reveal an empty room

Where was he??

I went in and listened into the bathroom to check if maybe he was bathing but he wasn't

I was slowly beginning to panic ..

I knew how he got when it rains and I've experienced it once with my eyes

I quickly rushed down the stairs in search of him and there he was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands

"Atlas?" I called him but he didn't respond and so I called his name again but got the same silence.

Then I gently approached him and placed my hand on his arm

He jumped away from my touch in panic

"It's me Lana" I quickly said and he looked up at me with pain in his eyes

He wasn't crying but he was so close to doing so and my heart went out to him. The amount of pain in his eyes was enough to make me want to cry for him

I hated to see him this way

I sat beside him, still holding onto him.

"Are you alright?" I asked him concerned and he looked away from me before nodding his head

I sighed not knowing what to do.

He was still obviously angry with me but since he was yet to fling my hand away from him, then maybe he wasn't that upset with me

So I decided to distract him from whatever he was thinking

"Atlas I'm sorry" I said softly

He slowly turned his head to face me, "about what?" He asked, his grey eyes looking at me so intensely

"About what I said the other day" I said, shying away from his eyes as I began to fiddle with my shorts

"About how being with me is a mistake?" The bitterness in his voice brought my eyes back to his pained ones

"I- I didn't mean it like that. It wasn't a mistake. I just- I am scared okay" I finally admitted

His eyes looked at me confused, "scared of what?" He asked

"Of us being together. There are so many reasons why we shouldn't but yet my- I still want y-you" I stuttered the last part in a whisper

The silence that followed my admission kept me confused

Did I fuck up that much that he changed his mind?


His voice brought me out of my negativity

"Why haven't you ever asked me why the rain affects me so much?" He asked me

I thought about it for a moment before replying

"Because I know what pain feels like and I know that everyone carries their own scars, some bigger than others." I replied sincerely

He nodded before finally relaxing into the sofa, taking the hand I placed on his arm into his hand

"My dad died on a rainy day. I had always been closer to him and he used to be very supportive of me but at the same time we were both highly competitive. I guess I took that trait from him" he started with a fond smile on his face

"We had gone bowling the week before and he had won against me but my competitive ass didn't agree with it and wanted a rematch. It was late so we couldn't have it that night and postponed it till the next weekend. We were heading to the bowling alley that day when it started to rain heavily and dad was trying to park by the side of the road when a truck went off its lane and headed towards us. My dad immediately swirled the car so that the truck collided with the driver's side. He died on impact but I got away with just a few scratches. He gave his life for me Lana and anytime it rained I can't help but think that it was all my fault that he died" he said, a sob finally escaping his lips as tears ran down his eyes

Something wet fell on my shirt and I realized that I was also crying

I leaned higher and cupped his sad face in my palm

"Oh Atlas, it's not your fault. Okay?" I sniffed looking into his eyes and he immediately took me into his embrace

"Your father loved you so much, he wanted you to live. It's not your fault" I whispered to him as he trembled in my arms

After a while he withdrew slightly from our hug and leaned his forehead on mine

"You are the only one I've ever told this to, even my mum doesn't know. You are so important to me Lana, nothing I ever do for or with you is a mistake. Do you understand? Do you understand now how much your words hurt me?" He asked sadly

I shut my eyes letting my tears flow as I nodded

"I-I didn't mean to" I said hoarsely

He shook my head, "no I'm sorry I got mad at you and ignored you. I thought if I did, I would be able to get over you Lana but I can't.. I fucking can't. Give us a chance Lana, please " he begged and I just couldn't say no because I wanted him just as much as he did me

I sniffed nodding my head into his and saw a bright smile overtake his face just before he crashed his soft lips on mine

Slowly our lips danced together both of us forgetting about the pouring rain

Ice breaker:
Tell me something weird that you do when you are alone😂

As for me, I act out different scenes and personalities as though I was in a movie and then laugh at myself after

And sometimes if it's an emotional scene, I cry😂😂

I know I'm weird as fuck

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