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I've never seen Atlas like this..ever

Over the year I've seen him with models and some business women but they're relationships always looked so professional even though they were dating

Atlas was a good looking man with brains and he knew it, so he never really pinned after any of them

Some of the women were heartbroken from the lack of attention they received from him and the others just straight up told him they couldn't date a man who prioritize himself over them

So seeing him doing what he normally never does was new to me and to know he was putting all that effort on me, made it all the more surprising to me

His forwardness today shocked the hell out of me..

I knew right from the day he confessed his feelings that he was trying to give me a heart attack

I smiled to myself as I combed through my dark hair and stared at my reflection in the mirror...

I still couldn't believe that Atlas liked this woman who stood before me enough to pursue her so relentlessly

I was putting on a pink dress and my hair was down

I was one who never really knew how to put on makeup no matter how much effort I put into it. So I  applied just my foundation, lipgloss and mascara

Atlas had messaged me after work to come over around 9pm and it was presently 8:30pm. If I left now, I would get there earlier

I got to his mansion at exactly 8:50pm and took a minute to check and rearrange my look before stepping to his door and just out of courtesy, rang the bell

So after, the door was opened to reveal a smiling Atlas in a black jean trousers and a white and black striped shirt


Why did he have to look so good looking

I had lost myself checking him out that I had missed what he had said

"Lana?" He called

"Humm?" I replied unfocused

He chuckled at me and I blushed knowing that he knew I had been checking him out

"I asked why you didn't just come in" he said

I just shrugged my shoulders not trusting myself to speak

He moved to the side leaving enough space to pass through the door, "please come in" he had said

I him in and waited for him to le the way which he did not before leaning closer to me and whispering so huskily

"You look really beautiful Lana, I could just eat you" and then began to walk ahead

Did his word mean 'eat' in the literal sense or I just had a dirty mind???

I felt my face begin to grow red, so I brought my hands up to fan myself ...

Was it hot in here or what!!

Why did he always find a way to make me so flustered!

I followed behind him to the kitchen area where the dining table was already set and all that remained was the food

"You came a bit earlier than I thought you would.. but the food is almost ready" he told me, as he opened his pot and took a peek into what he was cooking

Once he was done, he turned to me smiling...

He was always smiling these days

"I hope it wasn't much trouble getting here?" He asked

I shook my head, "no, there wasn't much traffic on the way or anything" I replied looking at him shyly

These days, I was also always so shy around him

Sometimes he made me feel so hot and sexy and other times I was just scared of what the intense look in his eyes meant

"I'm sorry to pull you out of your home by this time" he apologized taking a step towards me

"It's fine" I said, giving him a slight smile

As he took another step towards me, the whisper of the pot went off and he chuckled before turning around to check on the food

"Is there anything I can help with?" I asked feeling somehow useless now that he was concentrating on the food

"No darling, I only need you to get that fine ass of yours on the dining chair" he teased sending me a wink before turning back to the pot

My eyes widened at his statement...

Oh my god!!... when did he become so blunt and foul mouthed

As I always did, I scurried to the chair before he started getting any idea... because this Atlas no longer acted like the Atlas I knew

Lana's pink dress

———Lana's pink dress

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