s1 ep5: what's better than one cover girl?

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Michael Kaiser had no idea how he got here.

He had been practicing football (per usual), when suddenly Noel Noa called him to his office, requesting a private chat.


But that's not all. When he got there, the ostentatious Emperor Kaiser was greeted by some random ass Japanese fellow he could've sworn he'd met before.

The two of them sat next to each other in silence. Awkward silence. The kinda silence that made you want to kill yourself and whoever dared to cause it. Oppressive silence. Encompassing silence.

The silence made when you know you're in deep shit.

"Fuck Yoichi, am I right?" Kaiser uttered a phrase, then immediately regretted it. They were probably friends. Although Kaiser could've sworn he'd seen him before arguing with the aforementioned Yoichi.

"Yeah, honestly." The Japanese fellow leaned back in his seat, taking off his glasses to stare at the blank ceiling. "He's getting on my nerves. The bitch. No wonder everyone hates his guts."

"Everyone?" Kaiser questioned.

"Everyone." He reiterated. "All the homies hate Isagi Yoichi. But I could've sworn you wanted to fuck him." The Japanese fellow turned his head to face Kaiser, his orange eyes following his every reaction with an eerie focus.

"Nah." Kaiser rejected that thought. "Yoichi's the kind of cute that gets you arrested."

"Agreeable." The Japanese fellow nodded. He paused before continuing. "Am I cute?"

Kaiser took a real good look at him. Short dark hair and dark glasses. His intelligent orange eyes were often overshadowed by those black spectacles. They were enrapturing the way staring into the barrel of a gun was enrapturing.

"You're the kind of cute that would get me killed." He decided.

"Nice answer. I like you." The Japanese fellow responded. "I'm Yukimiya. Yukimiya Kenyuu. You're cool, so Yukki is fine."

"Michael Kaiser." He said. "Yukki, what brings you here today on this fine afternoon?"

"No clue," Yukimiya drawled. "Noa said he wanted to have a chat. I thought it was going to be a one-on-one thing, so imagine my surprise when I saw you."

Kaiser shivered. "Your voice is weird."

That earned him a glare. "Thanks."

"No, seriously. It's like, talking to a siren. Makes me want to fall asleep."

"Are you calling me boring?"

"I mean, I dunno." Kaiser took the chance to stare up at the ceiling, swapping roles. "I don't know you at all, Kenny, so I'll wait and see."

Yukimiya raised an eyebrow. "Kenny?"

Kaiser nodded.

"Fine." He gave up near instantly, returning to stare up at the ceiling, matching Kaiser. The silence was more comforting now.

"Do you know Noel Noa is gay?"

Yukimiya paused. "For real?"

"Yeah. I did research. He and Ego used to have a thing going, if you catch my drift."

Yukimiya turned to him, his orange eyes sparkling in awe and a mild degree of mischief. "No fucking way."

"Yes fucking way." Kaiser liked Kenny. He wasn't as obedient as Ness, nor as disobedient as Yoichi. The perfect balance, really. And his voice was nice, too. "And also, Noa has the goofiest laugh. He sounds like a Disney character."

Yukimiya chuckled. "Tell me about it."

"Sure. So, we were in practice..."

The duo occupied the silence with words and laughter, completely forgetting the fact they originally came here to verbally duke it out with Noel Noa himself. Soon their talk evolved from just soccer to everyday life. Kaiser told him that his mom was chill and baked amazing bread, and Yukimiya told him that his mother was a wonderfully protective woman that made a mean blueberry cobbler.

"I haven't seen her in so long. Reminiscing makes me all sappy." Yukimiya sighed. "Y'know, it's tough being me."

"Sure," Kaiser said, unimpressed. "You're a model who has the whole world's attention after joining the Neo-Egoist league. It's certainly tough."

Yukimiya went silent. The seconds ticked by as he said nothing. Kaiser was beginning to think that he had said something wrong, but his ego wouldn't dare let him apologize.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He finally began. An edge of gravity had cut through his previously kind and lax statements. He seemed serious. Really serious.


Yukki's orange eyes moved from the ceiling to meet Kaiser's blue ones, narrowing. "If you break the promise without telling me, I'll kill you."

He meant it.

"Okay." Kaiser immediately agreed.

He meant it.

"I'm not really human anymore." Yukimiya began, hitting Kaiser with a fucking freight train.

"Uh—" He spluttered, trying to regain his footing after being figuratively shot out of the fucking sky by an atom bomb. "What?"

"I'm a Horseman." He said. "I have powers. Like a superhero. But I play the role of a villain in this narrative."

"Shut the fuck up Kenny, wait a moment." Kaiser pressed his palms together and thought. "You are a horse."

"No. I'm a Horseman. Number 4."

Kaiser wanted to jump off a bridge. "There are more of you??"

"There's 8. Every one of them, save for the last, is in Blue Lock."

His blue eyes glared at him. "Fuck you."

"My powers are currently classified, so I can't actually tell you." Yukimiya stated, completely ignoring him. "But yeah. I'm not human. Wicked, right?"

Kaiser nodded slowly. "...Wicked."

It was at that moment that Noel Noa walked into the office. He blinked at the duo sitting in his chairs. The duo stared back at him with equal confusion.

"Meeting's off. Leave."

And as Kaiser got up, he thought to himself about what that hour of talking gave him. He discovered the existence of supernaturals in the world. He met one of these supernaturals, with a voice so chilling it could put even a non-sentient being to sleep. But more than all that, he made friends with one of these 'Horsemen.'

As soon as he left, Kaiser slammed his forehead into a wall.

What the fuck had he gotten himself into.

a/n: and thus the kenny kaiser duo is established

noel noa is deadass one of my favorite characters to write lmao, he's so unintentionally goofy it's hilarious

best believe isagi has it coming 

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