s1 ep18: i almost dropped my croissant

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Julian Loki was very scared for his students.

The whole trial thing was something he had been skeptical about for a long time. But Rin? Whoever added him wanted to play a sick joke on PXG, because even Shidou would function better up there as a team than Itoshi Rin, god forbid.

"Are you sure they'll be alright?" Nitta whispered in his ear in Japanese. Julian looked at him with a bewildered expression. In response, he slightly rolled his mismatched eyes fondly. "Are you sure they'll be alright?" He said again, in perfect French.

"They absolutely won't be," Julian responded.

"You need to work on your Japanese," Nitta said in singsong English.

"It's not my fault you're good at everything," Julian responded in English. He only spoke the truth; Nitta was good at everything. He had never played football before he met Julian, and yet he was already good enough to be part of PXG's training regiment. He picked up French almost instantly, which mildly scared him. Everything about Nitta was mildly scary.

"Eh. Not everything." Nitta turned back to Rin and Karasu who were currently animatedly negotiating on the podiums. "If you're worried, don't be; Karasu is very talented. I'm sure he can reign in Rin easily."

Julian harrumphed, setting his chin in his hand as he watched the spectacle that had yet to begin. "He may be good at soccer, but I don't think he can handle Rin."

Nitta scoffed at that. Julian raised an eyebrow. The blonde refused to elaborate.

The monitor lit up.

"May the trial commence!"

"Isagi." Karasu pointed out, immediately jumping into the fray. "You have a good relationship with Nagi, yes?"


"He doesn't have to answer that." Yukimiya immediately cut in. "Karasu, don't ask questions that aren't relevant. I know you have a tendency to."

"There's no need to get so defensive, Yukki. I wasn't asking you anyways."

Julian's frown deepened. Nitta had told him that Karasu spoke in Kansai-ben, which was translated through his translators as a stereotypical southern accent. That had all of disappeared during the trial. His speech patterns had switched up without explanation.

"His movements are so articulated." Nitta admired. Julian didn't see anything out of the ordinary. "Do you think he can sing?"

"Sorry, what?"

"Nothing, nothing. Just thinking. Your phone's buzzing." He pointed out. Sighing, Julian opened his phone, making a note to talk to Nitta later.


chucky: "rizz"

hohoho: you are a grown ass man

tea: shut the fuck up

lavinie: there are 3 types of people

gemini: rin is so funny i wanna run him over with a tractor ❤️

lavinie: *4 types

redespacito: this trial is so boring

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