s1 ep11: itoshi sigh

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Adam Blake hated 7-Eleven.

Sure, if he had to go to one he would buy something, but so many strange events had occurred in and around a 7-Eleven that it was too suspicious to be coincidental.

Coincidentally, Adam Blake found a shell-shocked red-haired motherfucker standing outside a 7-Eleven.

This motherfucker was just gaping at open air like he had just seen Jesus Christ descend from the heavens. He had massive under eyelashes, and wore a trench coat.

Adam didn't care.

Adam wouldn't care.

Adam shouldn't care.

But damn his attempt at apathy.

"Hey kid." He called to the motherfucker. They didn't respond.

"Are you alright?" He tried again. The motherfucker nodded briefly but did nothing else.

This was getting pathetic.

"What's your name?"

"...Itoshi Sae."

A name. Finally. Adam whipped out his phone like the flash, opting to ask his friends instead of Google.

tea: do we know an itoshi sae?

ouioui: hes rins brother

lavinie: that name sounds super familiar

crumpets: ikr



lavinie: oh yeah

Adam looked up. "You're Luna's friend, right? Have you seen him?"

Sae pointed into the convenience store. "He's in there."

"Ok thanks." Shooting him a thumbs up (God he was getting old), Adam entered the convenience store, ignoring the worker at the register as he searched for powdered donuts and Luna along with them.

"Luna? Luna!" Adam called. He didn't see blonde hair anywhere. Now this was more than concerning. "Luna, I promise we don't fucking hate you. Come on, we have to go."

"Just a sec."

The familiar accent of one Leonardo Luna led Adam to the near back of the store. The blonde was there, counting his purchase. Adam wanted to drop-kick him

"How many euros did you spend?"


"And how many donuts did you get?"


"Jesus Christ, mate. Look. This Itoshi motherfucker is standing outside the store like you just shot his dog. Could you put a little pep in your step, and kindly explain to me what the fuck is going on??"

Luna barely listened as he started into the space behind Adam.

"Nitta's here."


The lights turned off. He froze. Everything froze. The crickets chirping outside and the buzz of fluorescent lights. Even Adam's breathing was quieter.

A whistle.

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