Chapter 6 - The club can't handle you

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Barging past Jen who had just emerged from the shower, I ran in to my room searching for my phone that had just started to ring. Flinging the duvet off my bed, I smiled happily when I found it lying in the middle of the mattress. Snatching it up and flipping it open, I placed it to my ear.

"Hey aunt Flo," I said happily, collapsing on to the bed and staring up at the ceiling.

"What's up kiddo? How's your first week going up there?" She asked over the sound of my cousin Hannah giggling in the background.

"It's going great! It feels weird being back, but I've really missed Jen."

"I know. But I'm glad you decided to go back, this is a fresh start for you and I'm proud of you honey," she said. I could just picture her smile as she said it.

My Aunt Flo has been like a mother to me for the past three years. She took me in, no questions asked when I showed up on her doorstep. And for that, I owe her everything. "So, any cute guys knockin' about up there?" I heard her ask.

Sighing loudly and pinching the bridge of my nose, I cringed. "Nope," I said, trying my best to sound convincing.

"Lily Elizabeth Masters, don't you lie to me. I can tell when you lie, even over the phone. So spill," she ordered.

"Aww man," I groaned, flinging my arm over my face, trying to hide the shame. "There is an okay looking guy I suppose." Oh who am I kidding? The guy is just downright sexy! But like I would ever tell him that, he definitely doesn't need an ego boast if you catch my drift.

"Are you gonna tap that?" She asked in all seriousness.

I burst out laughing when I heard her ask. Now my aunt Flo is a beautiful woman, in her forties with long brown hair and grey eyes. But this is exactly my point, she is forty years old. So hearing her ask me if I was going to 'tap that,' sounded totally ridiculous.

"No!" I said with certainty, "I most definitely will not be 'tapping that!' The guy is a player, and a real know it all too! And to make things worse, he lives opposite me and Jen!"

"He could be your late night booty call," she laughed on the other end of the line.

Smiling, I sat up on the bed and crossed my legs. "You know what, that's enough grown up talk. Can I speak to Hannah?" I pleaded. She's my four year old cousin, and I love her like a sister.

"Uh, she's watching Dora the Explorer at the moment and you know how she is. She's practically glued to the television. Hold on a sec..."

I smiled as I heard Aunt Flo shout to Hannah. She was absolutely obsessed with that show, and not many things could tear her away from it. So I was surprised when Hannah suddenly came on the line. "Lilyyyy!" She cried happily.

"Hey kiddo. I miss you!" I said, feeling a tinge of sadness at being so far away from her.

"I'm watching Dora."

"I know! You're always watching Dora."

"That's cus she's the bestest," Hannah said on the other end.

"She is the bestest," I agreed. "I'll come visit soon. I've got lots of presents for you."

"You have?" She asked in awe.

"You'll have to wait and see, poppet!" I grinned, wishing I could be there right now.

"I've got you a spesent too," Hannah said.

I laughed when I heard her say 'spesent'. That was her word for present, seeing as she hadn't quite figured out how to say it yet. God damn she's a cute one, with her little blonde pig tails and button nose. "And what spesent have I got?"

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