Chapter 8 - You can straddle me anytime!

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Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and left the bathroom. Wandering in to the living room, I saw Dean engrossed on the Xbox, playing Call of Duty and currently blowing someone's head to smithereens. "Nice shot dude," I said appreciatively as I walked past him and in to the kitchen.

"I am the king of Cod," he whispered, fist-pumping the air without even looking at me. Once he starts playing, it's like he pretty much goes in to a trance.

Chuckling to myself, I put the kettle on and turned around, leaning against the kitchen counter. Our apartment is kind of small. The kitchen and living room are joined, and the small hallway at the opposite end leads to two bedrooms and a bathroom. You could call it a bachelor pad I suppose. It had certainly been used as that in the past. "Dude, the left, to the left!" I yelled at Dean as I watched him playing.

"Shut your pie hole!" He yelled back. "I got this!"

Quickly throwing a teabag in to a mug, I stepped forward so I could get a better view of the screen. "Dude...." I said, knowing what was about to happen.

I watched amusedly, as Dean jumped up from the sofa and stepped towards the screen, pressing the buttons with brute force, as if that would help him not die. "Come on you pansy ass solider. Run God dammit, run!" He screamed, staring intently at the illuminated screen.

I tried to hold in my laughter as his character got killed under a hail of gunfire, just like I'd anticipated. Biting my lip, I just turned around and reached for the kettle. It was steaming, indicating that it was ready to pour. So I did just that, aware of the silence that was radiating from the living room. "Don't even say a word," I heard Dean mutter behind me.

"As if I would," I smiled, peering over my shoulder. "I know how tense you get, especially when you cock it up like a three year old."

"I knew you were just waiting to say something," Dean huffed behind me. "I'm going to my room to throw a strop and wreck the joint."

"Don't be such a drama queen!" I yelled, laughing as I watched him stomp through the living room towards his bedroom, a severe look of annoyance plastered on his face as he glanced back at me. Before he reached his bedroom door, he flipped me the bird and walked in, slamming his door.

I took it all in my stride. Dean gets very passionate about his Xbox, and when he loses, he always throws a massive hissy fit. I find it hilarious. Taking my cup of tea to the worn out sofa, I plonked myself down and got ready to play COD. My aim was for him to come back out later and see how I'd overtaken him. It drives him up the wall, so of course I like to do it on a daily basis. As I set the cup down and reach for the controller, I hear my phone ringing from the kitchen counter. Sighing, I got up again and walked over to it. However, my annoyance at being interrupted vanished when I saw the caller I.D on the front.

"Hey sis! What's up?" I smiled happily. My sister, Jackie, was a bit older than me, 24 years old to be exact and she was getting married soon, so when she calls, you pick up the phone or forever face her wrath.

"Yo Noah, how's college going down there in sunny California?" she asked, sounding relaxed for the first time in months.

"It's good! Things are going fine," I answered, hoping she wouldn't ask me the question she always asks me. But of course, she did. I guess that's just what sisters are for; to annoy the crap out of you.

"Great!" she said happily, "Soooo, have you met anyone?"

"Why?" I asked her dramatically. "Why do you always ask me that question? Never, 'How's Dean?' or 'How're the classes going?' Oh no, it's always, 'Have you met someone?"

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