Chapter 29 - On The Road

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Hey guys! So this is the chapter before Noah and Lily make it to Michigan...Originally I was intending to make this the chapter where they make it, but I figured I needed to write Lily's side to the night they spent together, to make sure it didn't come across as one-sided. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :)

Picture: Lily

Song: And Then You, by Greg Laswell (his voice is completely hypnotic)


Lily POV:

I turned over and gently lifted Noah's arm from around my waist. The sound of his breathing echoed around the quiet room, letting me know that he was still fast asleep. Wrapping a sheet around my naked body, I eased out of bed slowly and walked to the window.

Opening the curtains slightly, I could see that the rain from last night had passed, and the sun was peaking out from behind the clouds, bathing the morning with a light that had seemed so lost in the storm.

As I watched the sun trying to break free, my mind wandered to last night, and how I had let my guard down. There was no way I could have stopped, as my feelings for Noah were like nothing I had ever felt before; but it also scared me.

Everyone I had ever loved had either left me or hurt me, and I had never told anyone that I loved them; no-one except my little sister. And the thought of losing Noah caused an ache in my heart, that I knew would never truly go away. 

"Why did I say it?" I whispered to myself, leaning my forehead against the cold glass of the window. "I promised I'd never say it, damn it!"

Closing my eyes, I knew that it was true, that I was falling in love with him. I'd promised myself I wouldn't let anybody in, but somehow that annoying guy had gotten under my skin. And now I couldn't imagine a life without that floppy hair, and that smirk that made my heart beat a little faster every time I looked at him.

I heard the bed squeak behind me and I spun around, my eyes landing on Noah standing by the side of the bed in just his shorts. That same floppy hair I was thinking about just moments ago was sticking out in all directions, and he had a small smile on his face as his eyes met mine.

"Hey," he said, almost sounding nervous. "You should have woken me."

I shrugged, pulling the sheet around me tightly as it began to slip down. "I thought I'd let you sleep," I smiled softly. "And I was just looking at the weather."

"How is it?" He asked, walking slowly towards me as his eyes travelled up my body. "Could we leave soon or is it still too bad outside?"

"Take a look for yourself," I said, shuffling to the left as Noah came up to my side and pulled the curtain back, glancing out the window.

"Looks good out there," he nodded, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. "We should be able to leave any time."

I just stared as he shut the curtain and turned to face me. He lifted his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, a small smile playing at his lips. "So, last night...." he trailed off, eventually dropping his hand and staring at the floor, like it held some kind of hidden secret.

"Last night," I echoed, not sure what he wanted me to say.

"Did you mean it?" He said suddenly, snapping his head up to look at me. "What you said, did you mean it?"

The intensity of his gaze sent a flutter through my stomach. I had never seen him looking so unsure of himself, and it made me remember that this was just as new for him as it was for me. But as I looked in to his blue eyes and remembered what I felt for him when we made love, I knew that I wasn't falling in love with him; I already was.

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