Chapter 20: Pinned

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After I had finished my research, I went back to the classroom since everyone was in the library. But I wasn't alone. Chris and Isaac were there and so were Sam and Faye. They were researching with me, but I decided to head back to the classroom first.

Chris, who had also finished (according to him), came near and whispered in my ear like he usually does, which always makes me feel uncomfortable, "Jade, when I'm with you, Sam always seems to go with you too. I know she loves me, but isn't that not being a true friend? Only going near you when the one she loves is with you. She's not being a good friend."

I took a deep breath and sighed heavily, "I know that already, but... Friends are friends no matter how they are to you."

He let go of me and gave me an honest smile, "You really are too nice at times. You don't have to be though."

"Meh. It's just how I am."

"I think Faye has a thing for me too now?"

"What?! Don't get too full of yourself perv!"

"Hey... Stop calling me that..." he pouted and I just giggled at him.

Arriving at the classroom, I noticed there wasn't anyone else in here. It was only me, Chris, Isaac, and Laurence. I felt scared for a moment, but I shook it off.

After I had put back my things in my bag, I decided to go to my special spot — behind the curtains in the corner. I am not an emo freak or anything, but I feel at peace when I stay at my special spot in the classroom.

Just looking at the trees rustling in the wind, the birds flying in the sky, and the clouds pass by. It's enough to make me feel nostalgic and so at peace.

Chris came to stand beside me and looked out the window as well. But, I saw want in his eyes, a wanting I didn't need to know about.

He grabbed my back collar in a flash and pushed me forward, I closed my eyes in fear, but he just took me into his arms in a big bear hug.

I thought he was going to kiss me? I am relieved he didn't though.

But then, I somehow felt uncomfortable. His grip became tighter. I tried pushing him away, but he was too strong.

Chris then turned me to the wall of the window, locking me in place.

Isaac and Laurence soon came to join in. Laurence just watched us, while Isaac helped Chris in locking me into place. Isaac held my shoulders and pushed them to stick on the window's bars, and Chris came in and held my chin. He looked at me with those eyes filled with want.

I was scared.

Chris then dived in in attempt to kiss me, but I quickly pushed him away, as my hands were free.

"Chris, please stop this."

He chuckled, "Stop what? I'm not doing anything wrong."


"Isaac." Chris faced him and they nodded at each other.

Isaac grabbed my right wrist and locked it on the wall. Chris did the same with my left. I struggled so much in that one instant, "Please... D-Don't do this..." I was coming close to crying.

Chris then grabbed a hold of my head and pulled it towards his. I quickly turned my head to the right and Chris' lips immediately landed on my jaw. He didn't stop.

Seconds felt like minutes being in this nightmare. But, I tried to fight the fear. His grip on my left wrist weakened, and I took it as an advantage. I quickly grabbed his hair, which I thought was the weakest point, and tried pulling his head away from kissing me. He was too strong though. So, I decided to lessen it to try and pull out his hair.

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