Without Me

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Long time and no author appearance, but I'm here to change that. 

When I say that my life has been an absolute shitshow the last few years I mean that with my whole chwest. 

But I have finally returned to fix this shitshow of a book lol. 

I have reread Crazy=Genius this past week and cringed the whole time because I started writing this book when I was a teenager and now I'm in grad school sooooooo we're going to edit this thing and finally give you the long-awaited end. Any updates you get on Wattpad regarding chapter 1-53 will be me fixing grammar and filling in plot holes. I will also be taking out some characters because damn why are there SO MANY NAMES TO KEEP TABS ON IN THIS BOOK, YOUNG ME WAS INTENSE!!! 

Chapters 54, 55, and 56 will be released once I have edited all chapters and have edited this update to announce that they have been posted :) 

Thank you all for your support and messages asking about my disappearance. It means a lot to me to know that so many of you give a shit. I honestly would hate me too if I was waiting over two years for the last three chapters (which I have technically had written since 2022 but the plot holes were eating me alive). 

I will also be changing the name of some chapters and song recommendations because people have been outed as problematic since I posted these chapters years ago. So feel free to reread and experience a better version of this story as we grow together lol. 

I love you all and see you in the next update :)

Crazy = GeniusWhere stories live. Discover now