Chapter 39: Night Changes

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'Having no regrets is all that she really wants'

She stood staring into the mirror of the bathroom, her eyes taking in all the stress she had refused to see before. Wanting nothing more than to sink to the floor and cry until she couldn't shed another tear, she splashed cool water on her face, looked back up at herself and walked away.

"What are you still doing up?" Terrence asked as Lilianna emerged from the bathroom and disappeared almost immediately under the bed covers.

"Lili," He repeated. She refused to answer him and stayed still with her back to him.

"Oh, I get it. Silent treatment. Wow, how original. You think that will work on me, make me do things for you and all that." He smirked, walking towards the bed and sitting on his side. "Cute, but won't work on me."

As she stayed quiet, his patience wore thin. He exhaled in annoyance and reached over, his hand resting on her shoulder. "Lili-"

"Don't touch me." She grumbled, rolling further away from him and disappearing under the covers.

"Oh come on." He whined.

"You really think I was going to be all cuddly and nice to you after what you said to me this morning?" She snapped at him for his childish behaviour.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do?" He shot back.

"Oh I don't know, leave it alone? Who cares if I know that you're going to kill people just to make a point to the press? What am I gonna do about it? Nothing! I can't because I'm stuck here bored out of my mind, remember?" She yelled, sitting up and facing him.

"I can't have you listening in on business, it's not safe." He yelled back.

"What is so unsafe about it? Explain."

"There are people out there who would kill you to get to me. They would hurt you and try to get information out of you, the less you know the better life is for you."

The two stared at each other in silence. Both were angry with the other and wanted to win the argument. Neither was ready to give in.

"So you threaten to submit me to torture the same way that someone from your rival gangs would do too? Yes, because that is how you make someone feel safe around you and convince them to fall in love with you. Terrence Vendetta, you're sick!" Lilianna pointed out. Terrence opened his mouth to respond but soon closed it, she was right. How was he supposed to respond to that?

"Can't you just trust me when I tell you that this business is not something you should ever get involved in?" He sighed.

"First of all, if that is what you wanted, you shouldn't have kidnapped me, to begin with. Second, I did trust you, believe it or not. I trusted that you wouldn't hurt me because every time that you told me you wouldn't hurt me you have lived up to that. This morning, however, you threw all of that away. I have zero faith, trust, or any other positive emotions toward you." She answered quickly, her tone angry and full of disgust.

"You never trusted me, I know that much." He scoffed.

"I guess we'll never know now." She spat back immediately. The silence settled around them again. Terrence dropped his emotions and walked out of the room.

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